Hello from Japan!

Hello :hugs: and welcome home :infinite_roots: @TJ_Vellichor

I’m Marsha, an Eclectic Solitary Witch, from Colorado. I’m so happy you have joined us, and I’m looking forward to getting to know you better! Welcome to the family :people_hugging:

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


Thank you all for such a warm welcome. I’ll check out the links you’ve shared with me!

@Amethyst The first book I finished was Natural Magick by Lindsay Squire, and now I’m going through the recommended books in the back–currently reading The Witch’s Book of Self-Care by Arin Murphy-Hiscock. I’ll be starting the courses on here this week!


Did you like the book? It’s on my to read list.


I really enjoyed it! I found it to be a great intro, and it covered a lot of topics without getting overwhelming. Out of all the books I purchased, that was the one I kept going back to. I feel it will continue to be one of my main references for many months to come until I have a solid foundation. :slight_smile:


Welcome TJ!


Welcome! It’s wonderful to have you here!


Welcome. As someone who spend many of my younger years and a number of my military years in japan. I welcome you. I miss it and hope to move there in a few years


Ooh, I’ve read The Witch’s Book of Self-Care, it’s a good one! I hope you enjoy it!


@TJ_Vellichor welcome to the forum! I’m Siofra_Strega from Cape Cod, USA & a moderator within the forum… my brother was recently in Tokyo & sent me a wonderful picture of downtown! :heart_eyes:

I have the Witch’s Book of Self Care on my Kindle to read list… but I am very much a physical book person, so it takes me a little longer to read the Kindle versions :laughing: But I really want to read that one! :smiling_face:

The courses are great & also be on the lookout for the Merry Meet Monday that will be out tomorrow morning here by around 10 AM EST. Somewhere around there… there is also the :technologist: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Technology & Modern Magick that is happening if you would like to see how others have entered & possibly have an entry of your own! :hugs: It’s on my to-do list for today at the latest, or I will forget. :rofl:

If you have any questions or anything to share feel free to ask or jump in on any open topic! I look forward to speaking with you more! :infinite_roots:


Merry meet @TJ_Vellichor,

I’m Bry, another moderator here in the forum- wishing you a very warm welcome! :heart:

Goodness, I miss the post in Japan! When I lived over there they never lost a single package of mine and things always seemed to arrive early, even way out in the countryside :package: :sparkles:

I’m glad you’ve been finding materials and have been able to pursue your studies, TJ, and I’m happy to say you’ve just unlocked a whole bunch more great witchy resources! Please make yourself at home here and do let us know if there are any topics in particular you are focusing on- the coven is here and happy to help :books::blush:

Wishing you all the best for your upcoming self-dedication! Have a very happy and blessed Imbolc too :heart::candle:

Blessed be!


Wow. You are all so very welcoming! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you for all the information and love!

@LadyDennaRahl Yes! I was also mil before coming out here! Sad to say that my service didn’t bring me out, but I’m happy living here now. If you need any help when you move over here, feel free to reach out!


Ooh, I’ve read The Witch’s Book of Self-Care, it’s a good one! I hope you enjoy it!

Wonderful! I’m excited to really get into it.

@Susurrus I’m the same way- I need those physical books!
I just opened up the Merry Meet in another tab. and I’ll be checking that out next! Thank you :slight_smile:

@BryWisteria Yes, the post here is fantastic!
At the moment, I’m just trying to absorb as much information as I can, but I’m definitely interested in building my own herbal compendium. I love making bath goods, like bombs and such, and it would be wonderful to be able to make some with specific intentions.

Thank you all again for the well-wishes!


You are very welcome! I hope you enjoy the forum & the courses :revolving_hearts:


Merry Meet! Glad you’re here. I think you’ll love it as much as we all do. There’s sooooo much wonderful knowledge here to be soaked up! Welcome and Blessed Be! :white_heart::magic_wand::sparkles::herb:


@TJ_Vellichor Hi I’m Christeena, and I’m 42, a mother of 2 adult sons. One is a paramedic/firefighter, and the other is a Marine. I live in a very very small town in Central North Carolina with my hubby of 21 yrs, our 2 dogs and 3 cats. I was raised Pentacostal and was always told that my gifts were evil, so they were suppressed til just a few yrs ago when i finally accepted all of myself. It has been an amazing journey with alot of bumps along the way. But it’s all worth it bc for the 1st time in 42 yrs i feel whole.

I have a HUGE affinity for herbs, I commune with spirits, and my guides. I’m a daughter of Hekate, The Morrigan, and Thor. I will help anyone, usually to my own detriment. But I’m still just gonna do me. If you ask me a question please be prepared for an honest answer. Sometimes brutally honest, as I am blunt. I don’t sugar coat things. Here you will find so many like minded brothers and sisters who will welcome and accept all of you with open arms without condescension. If you have questions all you have to do is ask. We are all here to help each other. You will find people from all walks of life and paths. Again, welcome!!!


That’s so exciting! There are so many fun herbs out there to explore :herb::sparkles::blush:

May I ask if you are using something like a Materia Medica to keep track of your herbal studies? I started using my own version of a magickal Materia Medica not too long ago and made a free template in case anyone else was interested- feel free to take/use/adapt them if you’d like! Link in the forum is here: Magickal Materia Medica Pages (PDF)

Wishing you all the best with your herbal studies! And with the crafting too- bath bombs are awesome!

Good luck and blessed be :green_heart: :grinning:


Oh I have this downloaded on my phone. I should read it lol. Thank you!


It’s a great book! Well worth the read.


I haven’t seen this before. What an awesome resource! I’ve already grabbed up the PDFs and added them to my compendium. Thank you so much for these! Converting my notes over to this format will be a wonderfully relaxing way to wind down in the evening. :relaxed:


It’s my pleasure, @TJ_Vellichor! :blush: I was really excited when I first heard about Materia Medica pages too- using a journal page like that is a great way to study a plant and really hone in on its traits and ways to use it :mag_right: :herb:

I am so happy if you get some use out of the pages- may they serve you well! :scroll: :grinning:

Blessed be and happy herbal studies! :green_heart: :sparkles:


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