Welcome @KristinaD.93 I’m Susurrus another moderator here at Spells8. I’ve been back to it since 2020 & here ever since
My brother is a Sagitarrius too! We do have an amazing collection of Astrology Information that has all things to do with astrology there. It gets added to as more topics come up within the forum.
We also have a lot of crystal lovers & information about them… a lot of different crystals, crystal grids, cleansing & charging them… all kinds of information really
Over the time I have been a part of Spells8 my path has changed quite a bit. I started one way & now I’m somewhere entirely different than where I had originally thought I would be.
This is what I did as I learned about different things & looked into things that piqued my interest. Which usually led to a deep dive, trying them out & some I’ve continued & others after some time wasn’t something that I continued. Learning about things has helped me a lot & I continue to learn about things every day that I am here
Search through the forum or ask any questions, share things you’ve found with us… jump in on any open topic or feel free to start your own. Everyone is very friendly & supportive. We each have our own paths & it’s so diverse here