Hello! New member here <3

Hello! My name is Madi and I have been into witchcraft & Wicca for about a year now. I recently moved out and am now out of the broom-closet so to speak and very happy :slight_smile: I am excited to be able to create my own daily rituals and be more open. I am in Ohio and can’t wait to meet others.

Blessed be x


Hello and welcome @madi I’m Amanda from Oklahoma We’re so excited you have joined us


Merry meet @madi and welcome!

My name is Kat, and I’ve been practicing the craft for over 30 years. My practice is rooted in a blend of nature magick, green magick, and elements of hedgecraft. I work closely with the natural world, drawing inspiration from plant spirits, animal spirits, and liminal spaces. My interests include herbalism, gardening, and divinatory practices like tarot, throwing bones, and Lenormand.

We’re glad to have you here. :purple_heart: Make yourself comfortable, explore, and feel free to ask questions!:herb: :bow_and_arrow: :acorn: :crescent_moon: :deer:


Hi, @madi! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

It’s nice to meet you! And congratulations on being out of the Broom Closet. It’s not for everyone and it take a bit of bravery I think. I’m glad you are in a safe space to be able to do so!

I hope you join in on the Group Ritual at sometime tomorrow with a cup of tea or something. They’re great fun!

Looking forward to getting to know you!


thank you! i’m glad I found the app i’ve been alone in my practice for quite a while


thank you so much! I’ve not heard of lenormand before, i’ll have to research that myself. I’m into herbalism, crystals and moon magick mainly. glad to meet you!


Here’s a good article on divination cards that includes Lenormand from our very own @MeganB that might help you out!


thank you! I have been anxious about being “out” for a while and it took a while to feel comfortable enough to do so for sure.

Is the group ritual just anytime tomorrow?


Yes, anytime that works for you tomorrow or over the next few days. :teapot:


Yep, or over the weekend if you want to. It’s all good, no certain time or anything.


Hello @madi,

Welcome to the forum! I’m Bry, one of the moderators and an Eclectic Witch. It’s very nice to meet you :blush:

Congrats to you for embracing your path and embarking on your magickal journey! It sounds like you’re excited about studies. I hope you continue to have fun in your Craft - may it bring you many blessings! :mage:

Please make yourself at home here. Blessed be :sparkles:


Welcome @madi ! It’s great to have you with us! I’m from Minnesota and have been practicing many different aspects of the craft for 35+ years. I currently work with chaos magick, voodoo and divination.

I’m happy for you! Getting out of that closest can be scary, but also exciting and refreshing!

Don’t be afraid to ask questions anytime! This is a very helpful group and someone will be able to help you!

I look forward to getting to know you and learn and grow with and from you.

Blessings :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Hello :hugs: and welcome home :infinite_roots: @madi

It’s nice to meet you, Madi! I’m Marsha, an eclectic solitary witch from Colorado. Welcome to the family! :people_hugging:

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


@ madiWelcome to the family of witches and wizards!