Here's A Great Quote

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a Bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”. -Anais Nin

There may be many interpretations, but here’s mine:
This reminds me to open up about emotions that I hold onto. I don’t always talk to someone about how I’m feeling. I’ll hold on to them until they grow too strong to maintain. I am fine right now, I just wanted to share a great quote. I have a therapist but we talk over the phone. I don’t usually feel comfortable enough to get everything off my chest by phone calls. I need that one on one again. So I journal for now.


I’m doing the same thing. I have my counseling appointments once a week over the phone & I have been substituting the rest with my journal. I feel the same way and I don’t want my daughter to hear what I have going on in my head now that she is remote only schooling.

It is a really great quote and that is exactly what I am doing, preparing to blossom.


@christina4 I like your interpretation. It resonates for me as well. I need to get more committed to my journaling.


Good quote. It reminds me to take a leap of faith.


That’s wonderful :slight_smile: yeah it’s hard when you’ve got family/friends at home and you’re not comfortable with something you normally are.


If I forgetting to journal, I put my feelings or experiences in a notepad app. I use text to speech lol


Right! If I hadn’t taken any leaps, I don’t wanna know where I’d be. But, now I’m taking a leap bc I have to move out away from my mother. I can’t handle her. It’s just simply not healthy anymore. I’m always in a miserable mood when I’m around her and I don’t want my kids to be around it anymore!


My daughter means well, but she is very nosey and thinks she is going to miss something if she isn’t involved in everything. My son says she has FOMO… Fear Of Missing Out…

Once I am more mobile, I’m hoping by next Friday, I will start going out to my car again. She had to have been listening because I was in my room, with the TV on, my door shut, her door shut, and she was on her Chromebook doing school.

It’s fun when the kids think they are smarter than you


I’m sorry you’re going through this @christina4, but I think if you’ll hold on, you’ll come out stronger in the end. Are you looking for new housing for you or for her?


Well, that was just the perfect quote for me today Christina4. Thank you!


Thank you! I’m looking for me and my kids. I’m better than that. I always have to ground myself because I’m feeding from her emotions when she’s the vampire! I just can’t take it anymore.


I know how much these quotes have helped me so I want to share with others!


Well, good luck looking! I’m sure you’ll find a good place for you. It might be small but it would be better than living with all that negative energy. I’ll be sending you good vibe dear!