Hey from the UK

Hi everyone, in Kelly 45 and in the UK. I have always had a interest in all things magical but its just more recently that I would like to look into it further after having a mental breakdown and having terrible anxiety. This site looks amazing for gaining knowledge and seeing where my passion lies. Look forward to getting to know everybody and hopefully make some friends along the way.


@kelly38 welcome to the family! Here you will find what you are interested in from Magia and if you do not find something by asking a question, there will always be someone to guide you! The moderators of the Forum and the members have a wealth of knowledge! I am Airam from Greece, welcome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Welcome to the forum @kelly38 :wave:

My name is Megan and I’m one of the moderators here at Spells8 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It’s nice to meet you!

There is so much to explore here on the forum and the main Spells8 site – I’m sure you’ll find many things that interest you! :heart: Feel free to hop right in and make yourself at home!

I look forward to seeing you around the forum :blush:


Hi, @kelly38! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia here in the States. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

It’s great that you found your way here, it’s a wonderful place to start your journey to finding yourself. Have you started the Courses? I’m sure the meditation ones will help you straighten out your mind and find some peace.

If you have any questions just ask and someone will pop up to help you. I look forward to getting to know you better!


Hello, @kelly38 welcome to the forum.


Thankyou everyone for the warm welcome. Definitely will check the meditation course for mental health help.


Merry meet @kelly38,

I’m Bry, another moderator here in the forum and an Eclectic Witch- wishing you a very warm welcome! :heart:

There certainly is a lot to explore around here- I hope you’ve been finding everything you were looking for! If you’d ever like a hand finding resources or information, feel free to reach out. Your new coven is a very friendly one and we’re always happy to share spells, info, suggestions or more- make yourself at home here! :infinite_roots: :two_hearts:

Hope to talk with you more soon- Blessed be! :sparkles:


Welcome to the forum @kelly38! I’m Siofra_Strega another moderator here at Spells8! I’m from Cape Cod & I have learned so much since beginning here.

Everyone is very friendly & supportive of your unique path, so absolutely feel free to ask any questions or share with us! :hugs: You can jump in on any open topic or start your own! :revolving_hearts:

I look forward to speaking with throughout the forum! :infinite_roots:


Hi @kelly38 welcome to the family. There are tons of resources here and no shortage of knowledge.
If you have a question and can’t find it by poking around or don’t know where to look or need help or just plain want to talk to someone with experience don’t be afraid to ask. Haven’t seen a question yet that couldn’t be answered.
Personally I have some memory loss from brain injuries and have basically been relearning for about a year and I’m always asking questions. Some of my memory occasionally pops back and I can actually answer one :laughing:
Welcome we’re glad to have you and I’m sure you’re going to love it here


Hello :hugs: and welcome home :infinite_roots: @kelly38

I’m so glad you have joined us! I’m Marsha, an Eclectic Solitary Witch, from Colorado. It’s nice to meet you, Kelly, welcome to the family :people_hugging:

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


Thanks everyone. So kind:)


Make yourself at home here, Kelly!

Blessed be :blush::sparkles:


Welcome Kelly! I am fairly new here too and absolutely love this site. The forums are welcoming, informative and help you feel connected to the group. The lessons offered are really very well done and I am learning a lot about things that I have had an interest in but never got around to investigating. It’s been fun!


Hello and welcome

Im Alan, also from the UK :uk:. This really is an.amazong place to learn new skills and knosledfe and to get to know some really amazing people who are willing to help and advise when they can.

Blessed be


Hi Nancy it really is lovely right. So much available information too. I have lots to learn but just going to take my time and enjoy the process :slight_smile:


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