Hey I am new here!

Hey my name is Amanda, excited to be here! I am a 33 year old female


Merry Meet @AmandaB I am Siofra from Cape Cod. I have a husband & 2 adults well, I guess men & 1 preteen daughter. We also have 2 fur babies that are currently napping on the bed.

I’m an eclectic witch, I draw mostly from Celtic Paganism :triquetra: & I work with Brighid & the Morrigan. It’s actually been a great pairing for me & I have changed so much since joining the site in July 2020.

The courses are great. i try to keep up on them as they come out. A lot of information can be found there & if you have any questions, there are many topics in the forum that can help you out, or feel free to ask a question & someone will help you out as soon as they can. Everyone here is really friendly & helpful.


Nice to meet you @AmandaB, welcome to our happy group. I am Debra from British Columbia, Canada.


Welcome Amanda! I’m Christine and I live in Tennessee. We’re excited you’re here!!


Merry meet @AmandaB

Welcome to the group/coven. I’m also PA. King of Prussia. Though I work in NJ and tend to spend most of the workweek there and only weekends in KOP.

This is a great forum. Very active and full of positive energy and wonderful people.


Hi @AmandaB! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Tell us a bit about yourself!

I’m an eclectic Wiccan who likes chants and candle magic. And tea. Speaking of tea we have a lovely Group Ritual you are invited to tomorrow. You can do it with the Zoom group or on your own and post about it, with no pressure. It’s just a really fun way of getting to know the group.

All you will need is a warm drink like coffee or tea, a white candle, and your wand or finger. That’s it!

Anyhow, I hope you’ll join! I look forward to chatting with you more!


Merry meet @AmandaB and welcome to the forum! :blush:

I hope you’ve been enjoying the main Spells8 site and the forum so far- there is a lot of content to explore! If there are any aspects of magick that call to you, I highly recommend using the Search Tool to quickly narrow down and get to exactly what you are looking for. The tool is a lifeline I use everyday here in the forum! :sparkles:

Please don’t hesitate to reach out in the Q&A Category if you have any questions- you have many friendly fellow coven members happy to help :infinite_roots:

Looking forward to talking with you more soon- Blessed be, Amanda! :heart:


Merry meet :blush:

Hello AmandaB my name is Nicki and its very nice to meet you. I am also a slacker, but not intentionally, its been a while I have not been on the Forum since I have been dealing with some issues especially at this time, nevertheless I pop in now and again. I am so happy you are here with us and wish all the best support on your journey.

Just finalizing so much but yo will be seeing more of me real soon.


Welcome @AmandaB glad you are here!


Welcome and Merry Meet @AmandaB! Welcome to Spells8 and our coven. I’m Stephanie and I live in Sunny but dry California lol! :rose: :sunflower:


Hi Amanda, I am Charlye. I am still finding myself. I think I am moving in the direction of a ‘green Celtic hoodoo, Appalachian folk witch’. Which is very much part of my history.


welcome, im theo from oklahoma.


Welcome, @AmandaB! I’m BrightBear. Nice to meet you.


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