Hi everyone :D

Merry Meet @ignis. What a wonderful name. Even if its temporary.
Welcome and hope you love it as much as we do.
Blessed :honeybee:


thank you @Stormii. :smile: it’s nice to meet you. i like the use of the :honeybee: emoji. it’s very cute!


thank you @Mystique. i think my partner bought some castor oil not long ago so i can easily try this. :smile:

i’m feeling quite fresh and clean after just giving myself a haircut. so this seems like a good time to do it! haha :smile:


oh! i didn’t realise lucid dreaming counts. that’s mad. :smile: i lucid dream a lot but i did even more so when i was younger and was often sleep deprived because i would have a full day of work and then go hang out with friends until 3 am haha :smile:


Thank you @ignis. :blush:
Have a witchy Wednesday.
Blessed :honeybee:


Welcome @ignis! We are so glad to have you. I love this coven and I hope you find the love, support and connection you so desire. I am Celine, I am eclectic witch from Portland Oregon. I work with Baba Yaga, Heckate, Odin, Brigid, Hades and Thoth. I am working on becoming more wel versed in divination with tarot and runes.


nice to meet you @celineelise :smile: i’m very curious to hear about your work with baba yaga. we often call her baba roga too


I just finished a book about her. I highly recommend it.
Baba Yaga’s Book of Witchcraft: Slavic Magic from the Witch of the Woods https://g.co/kgs/KGnGNJF
I have been working with her through my tarot deck. She has claimed my Wildwood tarot deck which is kinda celtic but she is all about the woods so I am sure that is why she wanted to be able to talk to me through it.
She also taught me to put my ancestral altar to the east wall of my home and to make sure to feed my house spirt who lives in the pitch ( :fire: fireplace). I feed ir tea and porridge or a part of a waffle every Thursday.


I’m in, too! :heart_eyes: I’ll find a copy somewhere. :black_heart:


I don’t know why I’m so charmed by this but I am!!! :smiling_face: :heart: :


It is because it is charming!!! That book is amazing. It is so full of animism. It made me look at things differently.
Also all the crafts it teaches tlyou to make to honor baba yaga and use her magic is amazing and to connect with her world. :heart:
@starborn I can’t wait for you to read it and let me know what you think. It is my favorite book I have read in quite some time.


Ok, I’m in! I’m looking for a copy now :smiling_face:


Merry meet :hugs: and welcome home :infinite_roots: @ignis

It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Marsha, an Eclectic Solitary Witch, from Colorado. Welcome to the family! :people_hugging:

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always,


Merry meet, @ignis ~! I’m Kristen and I’m an eclectic witch from Pennysylvia. Welcome to the family. I hope you enjoy your time here and if there’s anything you need help with, please do not hesitate to ask us :pink_heart: :cherry_blossom: :dizzy:


Same. It’s adorable. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

We are the first people to live in the place we’re currently in. The developers only finished building it last year. So I assume if we have a house spirit, it would be very young? :thinking: I suppose I’ll have to read more to find out how that works!


thank you, @marsha and @Nhaama! it’s lovely to meet you both, too :smile:


i started reading the book on baba yaga and it’s very interesting :smile: i’ve heard of baba yaga but her stories aren’t so popular in my area

there’s some advice on how to invite a domovyk into your home and another for moving one to a new home. it also states that you may move into a home where someone has left their domovyk! so you would have to remove this stranger one to help you and your own one have a peaceful stay. it’s an interesting chapter

Inviting Your Domovyk into Your Home

If you’ve never had a Domovyk live with you, you can invite one to bring you blessings. Before you begin, you need to remember that by inviting a Domovyk, you are inviting your ancestors into your home. This is going to be a lifelong relationship—one you should not enter into without feeling a sense of commitment. Maintaining a relationship with your Domovyk doesn’t require much, but like adopting a pet, you should only begin this process if you will continue it.

To begin, go outside dressed in your best clothes and call out to invite your Domovyk to come to you:

Grandpa Domovyk,
please come into our house,
and tend to your family.

since the domovyk is not just a household spirit but also a link to family lineage and embodies the protective and guiding spirits of forebears i assume there aren’t any young ones :smile:


Yes, no young house spirits.
I am so glad you started reading it is an amazing book. I love that prayer.


Ohh! I see. :smile: Thanks for sharing that. :black_heart:

Perhaps because she is Baba Roga to some?

I tried playing the demo of Reka and helped Baba Yaga recreate her chicken-legged home. :smile:


oh yes :smile: everyone knows baba roga. so they are the same? that’s interesting