Hi, I'm Kayla. I'm new here and I have some questions

Welcome! It’s lovely to meet you here. :black_heart:

I’m Katerina. I reside in Australia with my partner and two lovely cats. My journey began in earnest only this year, and I became active in this coven at the end of August. So I’m definitely not long-time… But I suppose I have some thoughts. :thinking:

I don’t aim to have a joyful, abundant life, I aim to have a fulfilling one. It might sound like semantics, but I find there is a big difference between the two. On a very basic level, joy is an elated feeling, fulfillment is a calmer feeling. Fulfillment is about having done and achieved things I am proud of, while joy is about feeling good in the moment. And I don’t need abundance to have a fulfilled one.

My needs aren’t always met, but there’s no space for growth and improvement if they are. There’s nothing to strive for or be challenged with. I’m not saying this in a way that supports a survival social structure – I would love a post-scarcity world where everyone’s needs are met. But I think even in that scenario, we will create problems in terms of play to ensure that we don’t become entitled and lose our motivation to strive for something and live.

I don’t always have money when I need it, but that’s not relevant to witchcraft, I find. Witchcraft is one of the things that has given me confidence, which helps. I also have an Etsy store selling tarot readings so, in a sense, I do connect money to practice. But it’s not the point, if that makes sense.

I have healing when I need it, but neither is that solely a witchcraft thing – my partner and friends are wonderful, and I’ve have some good psychologists, too. The people in my life have helped me come to terms with ASD, ADHD, and PMDD, and my witchcraft, in practice, is more like a balm for these things I’ve discovered and worked on with others.

It probably sounds strange for me to say all this, considering that I tend to walk the left-hand path, working with Hekate, Lilith, Lucifer, and his demons. But working with demons isn’t about greed or gaining things for myself, anyway. I wrote a bit about how I got into deities in the first place here: