This is some wonderful advice! Information of past lives can definitely be a starting point when searching for deities to work with. And how I love spellwork and meditations that explore past lives
For those interested in doing so, here are few ways to explore past lives:
@Christine4 shared a great Past Life Mirror Spell
@Abs53 wrote about how exploring your South Lunar Node can reveal information about past lives
@Silverbear explains the magickal properties of Lilacs and how they can be used to explore past lives
Slate has a Reincarnation Machine that suggests names and people you could have been in the past, based on your date of birth
Gaia has a step-by-step guide on how to do a Past Life Meditation
For anyone who is struggling to find and connect with a deity, I agree with Barbara that peering back in time to research Gods and Goddesses of past lives may be a great place to start!