How many Dieties can you follow?

I am curious about how many you can follow, I know triple goddess and the horned god goes with each but how many can you follow because I looking into Morrigan and Hades and I believe Hekate (Hecate)is part of the triple goddess… but if wrong Hekate Hecate) too. Morrigan is triple Goddes ( from what looked up )


All right so your post has a lot to unpack here because you might be getting confused about the way different deities work. I am going to try and explain this in the easiest way I know how keeping in mind that this can get really complicated really fast.

So the first goddess you mentioned is the Triple Goddess. When we think of the Triple Goddess, we are viewing her through the lens of Wicca because that is the religion that the Triple Goddess comes from. She herself is a Goddess represented by the phases of the Moon and the phases of a person’s life. This is usually represented by the archetypes of the maiden, the mother, and the Crone.

It is very, very important to understand that this archetypal breakdown does not apply to every goddess even if they are a triple goddess. For example, you have mentioned The Morrigan as being a triple goddess. This is true on a surface level and a literal level, but not in the sense of the Triple Goddess from Wicca. The Morrigan comes from Celtic mythology. I will speak about her from an Irish mythology perspective.

In Irish mythology, The Morrigan is seen as one goddess on her own as well as a combination of many other goddesses who make up the one goddess. These other goddesses are Badb, Macha, and the Morrigan. This is where The Morrigan gets her title of triple goddess. However, the triple goddess system in neopaganism does not apply to any triple goddess in any mythology. We have to take cultural context into account because otherwise the goddesses get watered down and their stories change as they become associated with systems such as Maiden, mother, and crone that don’t apply to them from a cultural perspective.

Your other question is how many deities can you follow – the short answer is as many as you want. There is no limit to the number of deities one person can work with. The only limitations are going to be those of the person’s life. So, if you have a very busy life, you might find it difficult to work with multiple deities because they may all require different things of you.

I hope I explained this in a way that’s easy to understand :sweat_smile: In short, the Triple Goddess of Wicca is not the same as any Goddess in mythology that happens to be a triplicity.


@MeganB Beautifully explained.

@ashlea I’m just going to chip in on the multiple deities bit too. Something I’ve learnt through experience, is also consider if the different deities are ok with each other. I work mostly, and if I’m honest probably exclusively with Loki, although I have worked on and off with Lucifer and specific demons, Baron Samedi and recently Odin and one time Thor (I have a difficult relationship with Thor :rofl:).

Loki did not like sharing his altar space with Lucifer. I still have an altar to Lucifer but it’s in the other corner of the room. However, Loki shared his altar with The Baron :person_shrugging:. No idea why the difference but there it is.

It’s work when you have a deity in your life. I love Loki, I really do, but if I miss the altar, even if it’s just a day, he lets me know. I’ve been haphazard this week, don’t know why, just all over the place and the beastie (my endearment for Loki) kept turning my ZZTop off on my YouTube tunes in my car, like 3 times, just on that band (cuz it’s a favourite right) :rofl:. But what I’m trying to say, is each deity has a distinct personality and the more you follow, the more work you gotta do. :laughing: ,:green_heart:


that helps a lot actually and it was getting confusing reading but the gods on spells8 and, thank you so much in helping me with this journal for a year or more I been doing research and things on my own never had anyone I could ask til now. so thank you.


This is also another thing to keep in mind. Thank you for bringing it up, Tracy!

I’m so glad to hear that! The different deities, mythology, and stories can become confusing very fast. If I had to give you one piece of advice when studying different deities it would be to study them within the context of their culture first before seeing how they work outside that framework.


You can follow as many as you wish, but I gently suggest working with just one or two if just starting out, so you don’t get overwhelmed while forming a relationship with them :pink_heart: :cherry_blossom:

Research the ones you wish to work with, and offer them what they like, once a day, if you can :pink_heart:

For example, you could light a candle/incense in their favorite scent, and/or offer them a cup of their favorite drink, say prayers to them, meditate with them, dedicate a journal to them (I keep prayer journals to my Goddesses Bastet, Gaia and the Mother Goddess), make art for them … Treat them as you would a loved one. They are here to guide us on our journey in life. And if you want, you could make an altar dedicated to them~! It doesn’t need to be fancy or extravagant – it’s the heart that counts :black_cat: :heartpulse: :cherry_blossom:


I feel drawn to the triple goddess Hecate and Hades and I know triple goddess goes with the horned god


Hecate and Hades are wonderful to work with, I’ve heard~

And yeah, I think you’re right about the Triple Goddess and Horned God, they’re a couple so it makes sense :pink_heart:


Oh, here’s some offering suggestions I searched for you, that you could give to your chosen deities~! Everyone feel free to add~!

For Hecate/Hekate: breads, cakes, pomegranates, honey, cinnamon, dog-shaped & snake-shaped trinkets, moonstones, coffee,

For Hades: coins, wine, honey, milk, narcissus flowers, trinkets shaped like dogs and snakes (Cerberus especially), apples

For the Triple Goddess: moon-shaped & flower-shaped trinkets, figs, dates/raisins, seashells, floral incense, honey, gemstones associated with the moon (such as selenite, opalite, and amethyst)


thank you so much this helps now I have to get something to offer them…


You’re very welcome, Ashlea~! I’m happy I could help~! :black_cat: :heartpulse: :sparkles:


I when I research I can find thing Hades and Hecate but I cant find anything that spells8 doesn’t already tell you or things I already know is this a sign ?


I got the history of Hecate and Hades but nothing on the horned good or triple moon goddess and I know Hecate’s part of it


For Hecate I’ll tag in @AIRAM @john1 and @starborn and @Jeannie1 all work with Hecate I think, there’s more, sorry if I’ve missed your names. :sparkling_heart: There’s lots in the forum too if you search top right magnifying glass. She’s very popular.

@Nhaama has given you some wonderful stuff. Again I don’t follow these beautiful deities so I’m eager to learn what you find too. :grin:


I found some books about them for you :pink_heart: :cherry_blossom:

Circle for Hekate
Liminal Rites
Hekate: Goddess of Witches

Hades: Myth, Magic & Modern Devotion
Modern Hellenism: Working with Hades, God of the Dead
Host of Many: Hades and His Retinue

The Triple Goddess:
The Witches’ Goddess
Queens of The Wild


@ashlea You have got some wonderful advice here! I’m just gonna throw in my two cents.

I personally don’t have one particular god/goddess/deity that I work with. I don’t have an altar dedicated to any particular one. When I have a spell I need or want to do I look at who best fits that spell. I will then set up my altar in a way that will honor them and reach out to them and ask if they would be willing to assist me. If I fee they are willing I then do my spell with them, leave them a generous offering and thank them for their assistance and tell them they are free to go.


@MeganB, @tracyS, @Nhaama have all given you some wonderful information.

I think I can help by expanding on some their answers as well as @Mystique

My first question is if you feel pulled or anything for the Triple Goddess?

Something that you should understand is that when first starting if you choose or a deity chooses to work with you, then start there. If you feel drawn to one than go ahead, as far as the Triple Goddess “going” with the Horned God… My best advice is if you don’t feel drawn to the “Horned God”, that’s okay. Making a connection with the Triple Goddess by herself is just fine. It may be that the Horned God will come to you at a later time or you can just work with The Triple Goddess.

Hekate I believe is recognized as a form of a Triple Goddess. Although I’m not entirely sure that if it’s Maiden, Mother, Crone. The Maiden, Mother, Crone is more of a neo-pagan type of association.

Hades I know @Amaris_Bane has worked or does with him. I think we have some information on him.

Greek & Roman Deities Master Post

You seem to be leaning toward Greek and Roman mythology and practice. So the MasterPost may help you with at least the 2 from their pantheon.

The Triple Goddess - Maiden, Mother, Crone
Triple Goddess Day & Offerings
Triple Goddess Incense :incense:

When I first started I was drawn to Brighid after a couple of months. About a year later I was drawn to The Morrigan. Both of them are from the same tribe in Irish mythology and pagan practices. The both have similar, if not the same aspects but are both Goddesses with a Triple aspect. Except that aspect is that Brighid & The Morrigan can be worked with as a singular deity or one of three sisters. In the case of Brighid, she has two sisters also named Brighid. The Morrigan is one of three completely different sisters or as a singular deity. They don’t hold the Maiden, Mother, Crone aspects of when you typically hear Triple Goddess relating to Maiden, Mother, Crone. (Sorry if that is word sald at the end there, I’m going to quit while I’m ahead on that one :green_salad:)

Your practice is your practice, so whoever you choose to work with or want to work with you is completely up to you. It’s perfectly fine to ask for assistance when working a ritual or spell that is from an outside deity or another deity not related to each other. Whoever is best for the spell or ritual at hand as @Mystique mentioned that she does in her practice.


Thank you @Artemisia! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I knew she was seen as Triple, but I don’t work with her… So I wasn’t very sure about that one :hugs:


I read she was part of the triple goddess Artemis maiden demeter mother and Hecate the crone… and i know Hecate has your deity page… and some time feel drawn to triple goddess and a little to the horned god and I like the wiccan rede and sabbats and esbats but I also like different type of magic… and I know it’s called electic witch… but when I search anything up I feel it’s a sign when you can’t find anything on a topic… and Hades is just misunderstood just like Lucifer is… And I am drawn by the moon :crescent_moon:… Thank you for helping me.


Can you be wiccan but have deity like Hades and Hecate… or have multiple deity you work with on certain days…