How will I know she's accepted my offerings?

Merry meet! I recently put together an altar for Brigid after feeling as though she is the deity im most drawn to. I read alot on her and learned everything i could from our site here. However, Im not sure how I will know if shes accepted the invitation and offerings Ive given. I have been seeing Daffodils everywhere and wonder if this may be a message from her. Because of a lot of ongoing stress in my life and PTSD i have a hard time often with my meditations, concentration and articulation. My worry is that ive not come across genuine enough. I hope I’ve not offended her. Any advice? Its much appreciated. :pray:


While I don’t have any advice about Brigid, I don’t work with her personally. I’d say when u give offerings just trust that she is receiving them. Trust in yourself and abilities :two_hearts:


Thank you. Ive given some of her favorite drinks as offerings and worries about when to dispose of them. I didnt want them to spil while sitting there. And then i thought about how i wouldnt much enjoy something that been sitting out too long lol. I have felt a calm in the house the past couple of days and believe this is her . Ive always doubted myself in much of what i do and am learning to have more faith in myself and to trust my intuition most.


I just change any drinks or water out daily as I enter my space to spend time. I make sure it’s daily if I don’t it’s harder to listen to my intuition, or hear it. I get disconnected with all the Hussle and bustle of life. I started to leave a fresh a lil cup of water daily. Not tap water but the bottled water I drink at least. I can’t afford to offer expensive things. Spirit loves water. Connects with intuition, psychic, and intuitive realms. I just learned this today. From the top of the intuition challenge for this week. That @BryWisteria wrote in her introduction.You can use it to if u like. I wrote it out. I plan to use this and burning herbs one . Spell for spiritual growth and psychic awareness.


TW :warning: BLOOD

o meant to mention you don’t have to but if you like blood is a good offering. Feminine or other. Also saliva or a strand of your hair burnt in a candle for the deity. You could also get a candle smoke or sound cleanse it. Then carve the sigil of the deity into the candle. I got the big white ones from Walmart 6-7$ last forever. Carve that. Then take a sharpie you choose a color and go over your sigil you carved. So you can easily see it. If there’s something you need help with ask her what you need or just talk to her. Then offer the candle or water or drink or food whatever you are comfortable with. And say whatever you like. I often say I hope this pleases you or something and I talk to them and pour myself out to them. Inside out. Let it out. Talk think it.write it They will hear your message either way. I say good morning to them aloud in the house before ni leave for work I wear me necklaces in their honor. Can be homemade. It can be anything. I will drive with the radio off so I can hear my thoughts or no thoughts. Before heading into work
And after work often. All the time lately. Journaling. I just started journaling again in general and keeping notes of my magick and feelings and tarot pulls. It can take many years. Not to discourage you, but to be honest. I don’t even have a year into this either. Self care. If you don’t take time for self love and self care. And find a balance of shadow work and then spells to combat sadness that can come with shadow work. It’s not easy. It’s a battle to learn for me and to stay hearing the right messages for me. Try to pull a card once a day with the question from her saying what would you like me to know today? Then journal it. I had progressed then decreased in my intuition so I have to take the time and really look inward

Everytime I light the candle I say I light this candle for Lucifer or I light it in the honor of Satan. Light a incense say I hope you enjoy this scent. Do whatever works for u. This is just my examples.


Devenne’s got you covered here:

That’s all you need.

There are some deities that will give you signs, but since you say you still doubt yourself, it is probably for the best that you do not try to rely on them. Only start delving into signs when you already trust yourself.

It will be very hard, I know. But you will be able to achieve this. :people_hugging: :black_heart:


Just popping in a note here as a reminder for me to reply when I have more brain space tomorrow. I work closely with Brighid so I hope I can help :heart:


I appreciate that, thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Aaa this is the worst, it’s like being told to use the training wheels when you’ve already learned to ride the bike without! :rofl: And it works with all self doubt too.

@starborn and @Devenne, these two will have no mercy on you and you’ll love them for it :sweat_smile: :black_heart:


:laughing: Starting with training wheels makes a lot of sense when we risk injuring ourselves or others. But with the psychological, breaking away from training wheels can be harder than it would’ve been diving in without them at all. The mind is funny like that. It wants to easiest way in every time, but often, it never wants to leave the easy way once it’s found.

Say you give an offering and get a clear sign from your deity that the offering was accepted. But the next time you give the same offering, you don’t get that same clear sign again… Now what? Do we worry because the deity isn’t giving direct approval every single time? Or do we accept that the first time was enough?

It can be very hard to accept that the times in between are enough when we doubt ourselves. The spiral of self-doubt is not kind to us. So sometimes, it’s good to do the difficult thing of not giving it anything to feed off in the first place. :cry:

Anyway, sorry, I’ve gotten a bit off-topic with that. :sweat_smile: Typical me…


I’d say that was very much on topic, and typically insightful of you :wink: :black_heart:


I’m speaking from experience. :see_no_evil: I had so much self-doubt at the start that I was relying on others to do readings for me, looking for signs everywhere to validate myself, etc.

I recall giving Hekate an offering at a crossroads. She helped me find the right crossroad once I listened to my gut and followed the full moon. When I arrived, I heard dogs howling and left my offering there. I was so happy about it, of course! I was almost giddy with joy.

The next full moon, I returned and left the jacket I was wearing (it was autumn and not the best weather to be stuck outside in) and a bag of food next to a homeless woman—packaged/sealed bread, chocolates, whatever I had bought. I took that person’s presence as a sign, too, because Hekate watches over those cast out by society.

Afterwards, I had to force myself through the journey of being comfortable with no signs following an offering. It was a lot harder, and I stopped practising entirely for a few months as a result. Well, maybe not entirely because of this on its own. But I felt lost for a little while and I never ended up looking too deeply into why—I just eventually let it go.

I’m happy to be on the other side now, of course, but I don’t recommend that path. :laughing:


That’s a beautiful story :black_heart: Could it be that Hekate was your teacher there, giving you those obvious and awe-inspiring signs partially with the intention of withdrawing them and seeing how you do without? It kinda feels like her kind of thing to do… :smile:

I think we all have to walk the same path, but maybe we don’t all have to fall for the same tricks :joy: But like you say the easy looking way is so seductive, and so often it puts you at a bottom of a pit or going in circles :sweat_smile:


I think so. I used to have a lot of trouble with self-doubt, self-hate, etc. But I also have a tendency to pass all the “trials by fire” better than “trials by… easy paddling,” so it’s very likely. :laughing:

And, at least for cats and dogs, that’s fun. :laughing: But for us bulky humans, not always so much.


Something about first learning to stop chasing our tails to actually get anywhere :joy: That does sound much more fun than doubting ourselves though, or self-hate. Maybe each of us have a differently calibrated compass as to when to go easy and when to be strict, and our lesson is to fix it so that it can be actually helpful to us.

You’re thinking of canoes there, aren’t you, and not implements of corporal punishment? :rofl:


Nice image. Like tuning a guitar before using it, we have to calibrate our own compasses. :thinking: Yep. I like it! :black_heart:

Yes. :laughing:

Although, the one time I did have to paddle in one, I was 10 years old, and we got stuck. The instructor yelled out to me to get out and pull it to shore, so I did while my two friends sat in it. Then the instructor told me off for jumping into the river. I am baffled to this day. :laughing:


What, that’s like being told to make an omelette and then being told off for breaking the eggs! :rofl:

I love my analogies :smile_cat:


Okay, first I want to touch on these thoughts here. Brighid is many things - in my experience, easily offended is not one of them. The Gods aren’t easily fooled, either, and there’s no way she wouldn’t see the authenticity and genuineness of your actions. You have nothing to worry about in either of those regards :heart:

Second, one thing I had to wrestle with in working with Irish Gods is that they tend to be very transactional and less omnipresent, if that makes sense. I worship Brighid because she is worthy of my worship. I give offerings to Brighid because she is worthy of whatever sacrifice I make. When I work with her, it tends to be the same but on a larger scale. When I need her help, the offerings and sacrifices are different and are given with a prayer and petition so she knows what I need. I would not approach her with a request without an offering because that’s not how she works (for me, at least).

When you say “accepted the invitation”, what exactly do you mean? Are you wanting to devote your path to her? Or do you just mean this in a “accepted my invitation to be in my home” type of thing?

In my experience, Brighid has never turned down an offering or been offended at something I’ve given or done for her. It’s the thought and feeling behind the action and offering that is more important to her. Offerings and sacrifices given freely are more important to her than what she’s getting as an offering. I have my own personal “rules” for what I give her as offerings, but there isn’t anything set in stone from history that says what you can and can’t give her as offerings.

This could very well be a message from her, a nod in your direction that she sees you. It’s also possible that you see daffodils because it’s closer to Spring and flowers are blooming. It’s important here to learn to trust your intuition because no one but yourself will be able to tell what is a sign and what is a message. If you feel that there’s a message there, then explore that. Take note of it and see what comes up for you.

My personal rule of thumb is to dispose of offerings after 24 hours or if they’ve spoiled, such as milk or cream. The Gods exist on a different plane than we do, and so I see our physical offerings given as energetic offerings for them. They take what they need or want of the offering’s energy and that’s all. Sometimes, it’s not even about that. It’s about the sacrifice you make instead of the item given.

I also have a cat who likes to get on my altar, so if I leave an offering that could be dangerous for the cat, I only leave it for a few hours and then dispose of it. As much as I’d like to leave it for the full 24 hours, I’m positive Brighid would rather me keep the cat safe :laughing:


This is all great to hear, thank you. First, let me start with the invitation. I mean as an invitation and welcome to our home. Id luke her to feel the harmony we do everyday here. I havent had any desire to ask anything of her. I may ask for guidance in the future, my offerings have been out of love and hospitality so far. The daffodils… when ive been seeing them its almost as though i can hear them. Lol im not sure how to explain this. It feels like a message to me. Im learning how to understand what ive been experiencing. Mostly though, i go with my first instincual feeling when this happens. I have a pendulum i like to go to, but understand that sometime my own emotional energy can influence the way my pendulum moves. I know i really need to work on my confidence and trust in myself.


Sorry it took so long to reply :sweat_smile:

This is what I thought but didn’t want to assume :blush: I think you’re doing a great job and that trusting your intuition and instincts will come with time. You’ve already said you feel like the daffodils are important, that you can “hear them” – it makes sense! I totally get that, too.

When I struggle with intuition like this, I ask myself a simple question – what’s the harm if I trust this? If the answer is “There isn’t any!” then I try and trust myself. There’s no harm in following your heart as long as your heart isn’t telling you to do things you know you shouldn’t, ya know?

Anyway, rambling aside, learning to trust yourself will come with time. If you feel like you can’t trust your pendulum because you’re holding it, you might want to consider getting a pendulum stand! I have something similar, and when I use it like this, I put the pendulum on the stand and hold my right hand under the pendulum. There’s no way for me to move the pendulum since I’m not holding it or touching it, so any movement from the pendulum is movement from the Divine (or whatever spirit I have invited).