I knew I could find a link to this! Took me forever!
How to tell if a spell is working? Answering this question isn’t easy, and that’s because every spell is different. It will depend on the type of spell you cast, your abilities as a Witch, the timing, ingredients, and a few more things. What might be...
Developing intuition is a valuable skill that can greatly enhance decision-making and problem-solving abilities. Although intuition may seem elusive and difficult to cultivate, there are effective strategies to nurture and sharpen this innate sense. Here are some practical steps to develop intuition:
Create space for reflection: In our fast-paced modern lives, it’s important to carve out time for quiet contemplation. Whether it’s through meditation, journaling, or simply finding moments of so…
Intuition is a capability of the mind that can manifest itself without warning. It is the feeling of knowing something but ignoring how we know it. It is a skill that we all possess. Practice helps to develop it. The most important thing is that it allows us to reach conclusions without a starting point or clear reference in sight. Using our intuition holds the key to personal success.
Intuition works on 4 planes:
1. Inner voice. You can pro…
There are a lot more posts about developing intuition on the forum that are accessible using the search . It’s my favorite thing to use to go hunting info in the forum!
For magick, it takes time, practice, discovery, patience and faith.