Hello there, I felt the urge to get this out… I have been meditating for some time now and started really REALLY diving into the craft about 2 months ago or so. I have NOT been consistent, but I have been doing a lot better with that. I am still putting my book of shadows together and I just started a digital book of mirrors. Also, I am still working on the courses provided here, still learning and expanding my knowledge on things I already know. I plan on getting a shadow work workbook as well. I don’t want to overwhelm myself, but this is the only thing that I am motivated and determined to do unlike anything else in my life right now. #hotmessexpress over here currently. So, my question to you is… How will I know my spell work/rituals is working? How do I become more intuitive? I’ve always been interested in the craft and everything to do with it since I was young. I also have always felt connected to the earth and animals and my zodiac sign Virgo is spot on. This is my first time really getting into this though so is this one of those things where I’ll just know when the time comes or? TIA! Much love XOXO -Meghan <3
Congratulations on taking the plunge and diving right in! The journey is what’s really important.
As unsatisfying an answer it is… you’ll really just know when you know. Don’t try to figure it out because then your brain and thoughts get into the way… just… know. Pay attention to the world around you and the universe will find little ways to clue you in. If you feel like its a sign that something is working or going well, it probably is!
This is the exact answer I was expecting and that’s what I thought but I wasn’t sure. I self doubt myself all the time and my adhd has been uncontrollable lately. I’m glad I asked, I think I just needed clarification. Im excited to see what other answers i receive as well! Thank you so much!
I knew I could find a link to this! Took me forever!
There are a lot more posts about developing intuition on the forum that are accessible using the search. It’s my favorite thing to use to go hunting info in the forum!
For magick, it takes time, practice, discovery, patience and faith.
Wowwww thank you for all of this! Excited to learn more! XOXO
One of the main things when you cast a spell is to cast and forget. It seems when we dwell on what we put out there it don’t work as well.
As far as knowing if it worked, I agree with @AileyGrey I just get a feeling when I’m casting or chanting or meditating that it going to work. There have been times when I don’t have such a powerful feeling and those spells did not turn out quite as expected. But, I look at it as that’s the way the universe (spirits, goddesses, gods) wanted it to be.
@Artemisia gave you good places to look and do research on it.
I’ve been practicing for decades and I still love to learn about knew things. And study things I know for refreshers and maybe pick up something I didn’t know.
You’ve already got some great input and answers from Ailey, Artemisia, and Mystique, so I’m just chiming in to add my support!
The more time you spend cultivating your practice (both consciously and subconsciously - some things can develop even while we aren’t actively focusing on them), the more confidence you will grow. All skills are paths that go up and down, then up and down again - so know that there will be times when you feel in control and powerful, but then also moments of doubt and feeling unsure. Then the Wheel turns and you’re back on top once more - the Craft is an adventure!
Keep pursuing your passions and follow your heart, @MysticMeg - you’re moving forward, and that’s an exciting thing
Blessed be!
It’s also the most disatisfying answer ever. Ugh! I hate getting it and I hate giving it… alas, it’s true!
As others have said, it’s really a matter of just knowing or waiting to see results manifest. Being patient for spellwork is one of the hardest parts of being a witch, in my opinion. It’s not like the movies or TV shows – we can’t just say an incantation and have immediate results, no matter how much we wish it were true. There are things you can do to help you be mindful of spell results, such as journaling your spell, but sometimes the “cast and wait” method works just as well. There’s a good passage in the book I just finished reading for Book Club XXXX about keeping track of your spells. It’s an exercise in journaling your spellwork.
Exercise 6 - Journalling Your Magic
One way to keep track of your results and work at your skills of discernment is to journal. This does not have to be in a large, fancy, leather-boudn tome which you call a Book of Shadows or any other mystical name. It can be if you want but focus more on the act of writing itself. A piece of paper and a pen, a document saved in your computer or whatever is most accessible to you will suffice. Writing in itself is a very spiritual process, transforming your thoughts and experiences into a physical form; it’s a very powerful and magical thing.
Before casting the spell, perhaps jot down the following:
How long before you expect to see results from the spell?
How many people are involved in the situation and what are their names?
What type of result do you expect; positive, negative, any particular emotions from any particular parties?
If the spell does fail or not work out well, do you have any other spells or practices to employ to add to the magic?
After the spell and time passes, you may want to consider the following journalling prompts to consider engaging your magical thinking:
How have you felt since casting the spell?
Has the target (you or someone else) been acting differently that can’t be explained by other normal means?
Have there been any new recurring thoughts related to the spell since you casted it?
Have you been noticing any repeating symbols, words, sentences around you that can’t be explained by common circumstances?
Do you recall any noteworthy dreams that may be related to the spell?
– Spellcraft and Spellwork by Ariana Carrasca
Yes, journaling has been a tremendously big help! And thank you for this exercise. I have a lot of self-doubts, but everything has been going great and working very well!
Everyone has been a great help with all their replies. Things have been working out for me for the better. I really appreciate all the advice and I know that im making progress! Much love to you all! XOXO - Meghan
I’m glad I could help!
I’m so happy to hear that it’s been working out - good for you, Meghan! May things continue to develop positively for you. Wishing you all the best - blessed be!
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