Hug a tree healing

I felt others may enjoy this exercise and wanted to repost for easy finding .

I’d love to send you some loving healing energy via a tree hugging if you might have a tree near by?

it sounds crazy but the tree will love you back and share her healing energy drawn directly from mother earth herself.

When trees get sick or injured the other trees come together to try to heal one another and offer support to there injured friend. This is why we find trees grown together in nature , it’s it’s way of telling us less intelligent species ( humans ) that there is strength and support in loving one another.


Find a tree or a tree that use to be multiple individual trees which have grown as one (this type of tree has extra power / multiple tree souls became one )

hug the tree like a life long friend and ask it for it’s healing grace. Begin to share your thoughts, struggles, beauty and laughs with your tree. Let whatever comes up come up.

If your uncomfortable hugging the tree the whole time sit at the base with your back to the trunk as you want to be physically connected to the tree.

After you have asked the tree for its help and shared words, sit at the base of the tree for a few minutes. Quiet your mind and submerged yourself in the silence of nature. Listen and tap into the love and healing of the universe and mother earth.

Journal or meditate if you’d like, when ready thank and hug the tree for its love, support and healing ways.


I would love to hug a tree and as soon as it stops storming I think I’ll go hug my maple tree. It has lots of “babies” gathered around the base
Also imagining the look on my daughter’s face as she looks out the kitchen window and sees mom out in the yard, arms around the tree, has me giggling


Have her hug the tree too ! Make it a mommy and me exercise :slight_smile:


You wanna talk about power? I have a tree in my back yard that I think of as “the Survivor.” Someone tried to cut it down. The tree said, “B I’m Madonna” and two new trunks grew from the back of the stump. It has grown taller than trees that were taller than it when I bought the house. It is, I believe, a Norway Maple.

So tomorrow, Imma hug that dude!


omg yes that’s a wise tree my friend, a warrior goddess of nature! She’s probably hundreds of years old, image all the history and knowledge that tree witnessed. Listen to her story in meditation and see what she shares when you connect, I’d love to hear about your experience and what the tree shares with you. Even pictures too !


Thanks for sharing!! There should be pride in calling oneself a “treehugger”. I can totally see the connection between this exercise and the video you shared (Me llaman bruja). Both are beautifully grounding.

:deciduous_tree: And trees are sooo good for us according to research too!


@anon87969570 hug that B for me too :rofl: thank you for the laugh


That is some amazing data and confirmation. Thank you.


Haha hug that b for me as well!!! :sweat_smile: She strong! :muscle::deciduous_tree:


Here she is!

That’s her in the center. She was less than half that size when I bought the house. Tree identification is difficult! Where once I thought this was Norway Maple, now it seems more like Sycamore Maple! Here are pics of the trunk.


I lalalalove the fairy door at the trunk! Perhaps when your daughter comes back around y’all could paint it and decorate it. I’m not sure how old she is but my kiddo who will turn 13 right before Samhain would totally be down to do it might help the healing process


:grin: I love that you recognize what it is! Many people have asked, not knowing what it was. I may have to do some work on it as the bottom is wearing out. My daughter is 14, and everything is “annoying” and “boring.” I have thought about painting it, but taking care of this place is a full time job. Hmm, I might need to get creative to get her involved taps chin …but I have a lot of yardwork to do, so I’d better get started!


omg is that a fairy 🧚‍♂️ house ? It totally looks like a mini door to the trunk . Beautiful tree’s and nature I’d love to spend time there . So glad you shared, thank you .


Yes! My little fairy door. I need to upgrade it. Been working on the upgrade all afternoon. I’ll post pics when Im done!


@anon87969570 can’t wait to see it!


I randomly found a fairy today check it out! What a sign 🪧 right ?


Thanks for sharing your healing wisdom, @JasmineTheBlueJ- reading it makes me want to hug a tree too! :deciduous_tree: :hugs: And yes- what a fun fairy find! :sparkles:

What a beautiful tree, @anon87969570- she is lovely! And I adore the fairy door too :fairy: Have fun with the upgrade, can’t wait to see how it turns out! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: