I don't care, he loves them

I think its awesome that he has been able to find something he loves and your awesome to support him no matter what others say. I think they are cool and everyone deserves to express their personality and interests and feel safe and accepted in doing so. So i love that you have been so supportive in his choices and expressions. And theyre cool crocs, who wouldnt love them. I might not wear crocs myself and i might have different colours if i did but if that is the colour he love’s then good on him, thats great and i hope he can enjoy them with all his heart and good on you for supporting him in his choices. I love that.


I’m working on the same things from a lifetime of abuse and finally being safe for the first time but that seems so small compared to what you went through

All I could do at this was cry. I know that a lot trans kids and teens only know confusion and fear and more than a few can only think of one way to make it stop and it breaks my heart but those words took hold deep in my heart

I am so glad that you are finally able to be who you are and she is amazing :heart:

One day I brought my 2 pregnant stepdaughters to a nutrition support agency and the friend came with us. A woman from the agency came into the waiting area to get another client but came over to say what a beautiful pair of Mommies they were, they were young and that was very much appreciated, and when she came over she saw the friend and asked if she was pregnant too. None of us made it untill the woman left the room before we were laughing so hard we almost fell off our chairs. They best part was my stepdaughter looking at her friend and saying “And you’re not even all the way made up” :rofl: The friend actually fell off her chair, the one that said it slid off of her chair and peed a little, the other one almost threw up from laughing so hard and I had to go outside :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Thank you! Especially since I made it up. LOL!


When I would take my kids clothes shopping, my middle daughter picked her clothes from the boys department and her grandparents knew not to buy her girl clothes because she wouldn’t wear them. I didn’t care who had a problem with it. She loved her boy clothes!


Awww, I want to hug you so tight… :sob:
The amount of direct aggression I’ve ever had to face is small, thank Goddess… but the indirect more than makes up for it. I think we’re both “winners” in this race, and the prize is CPTSD :joy:

I know… :sob: :broken_heart: If I could time travel I would go to that little girl, and always be by her side so that she wouldn’t have to carry it all alone in her little heart.

You’re amazing too, and this coven is full of amazing loving people, I believe we can make a difference, together and each on our own… even if it feels way too slow sometimes. :hugs: :revolving_hearts:

Awww~ :rofl: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Like I’ve sometimes said, “this is not even my final form” :laughing: :revolving_hearts:
I’ve been asked if I’m pregnant three times in my life, it’s strangely validating each time :sweat_smile:


Solidarity! All my boys rock long hair, love things that glitter, and wear what they want. My four year old is currently obsessed with painting his nails and uses anything he can to color them in. It’s easier just to paint them and move on than clean marker off of him every two seconds!

Let your sweet baby be who they are! Parenting is definitely not for the weak!


Magic shoes.


The shoes arrived yesterday!
Thank Goddess they fit. He hasn’t quite mastered walking in them yet but he is very proud of them.
I had to make a special spot for them

I told him that somebody said that and now they are his “Magic Shoes”


Hooray! I’m glad the shoes fit and that he likes them. May they bring him many smiles and lots of joy! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sparkles:


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