In an attempt to help my husband with the money aspect of us finding a place I started making witchy items to sell from my fb page I use for my tarot readings. I made a few wands and honestly I’m kinda excited about how they turned out. What do y’all think
Those are so cool! I love the concept of the stones climbing up the wand (the one on the right)!! What’s your FB page?
@Francisco Magnetically Engaged the one in the middle has already sold I’ve got plenty more that I intend to make and I’m considering doing custom orders as well
I had fun making them, though. I have a few different things I make and offer on my page but I these are my newest additions
Beautiful wands, @phoenix_dawn! Congrats on opening up your witchy store/FB page
I know @MeganB kindly created a List of Coven Member Shops in the forum to promote witchy stores run by Infinite Roots- would you like your page to be listed there as well?
Wishing you the best of luck with your shop! Blessed be
They’re gorgeous that’s very creative of you!!! And supportive of your hubby!!
Very nice! Those should sell well!
@BryWisteria that would be amazing to be added to it. The shop hasn’t really taken off but I have managed to a couple of readings as well as sell a few spell jars and the one wand. Hopefully it takes off soon because it would really be a huge help to our family. @MeganB if you wouldn’t mind adding my little shop page to the list I’d be very grateful.
@christina4 thank you. I feel so proud of them that I almost hate to let them go.its a very similar feeling to sending my child off to school for the first time- spending them out into the world to be cared for by strangers lol. I got some super 7 pieces in from Washington today that I’m kinda excited about and I’m pondering on using them to make a wand or perhaps an altar spoon but I don’t know much about super 7 so I need to do some research first. I also got in a couple of gorgeous Chevron amethyst the other day and one of them is practically begging me to go on the tip of a wand
My husband has been working so hard to get us into a place of our own and I feel like I should contribute however I can.
@Amethyst thank you. I’m working on some more today and plan to try to call upon the buck Moon to help me boost traffic for my shop.
Of course! I got you added
@MeganB thank you so much!
Thanks for sharing.
WOW! These are some very beautiful wands! You are very talented! And thanks for sharing the FB page too, just gave it a follow
@robin77 thank you so much I appreciate it! Im my own worst critic usually but I was extremely pleased with how these turned out. Problem is now I can’t think of any new designs for more. I’m stuck using same designs but swapping out charms, beads and crystal types lol oh well. I had fun with them anyway