Just redecorated my altar for Imbolc. Have some offerings for Brighid. She is my girl. She was the first Goddess I studied in depth and was able to really connect to. I have been drawn towards anything Celtic and have an affinity for. Even one of my son’s names is Celtic and Gaelic in origin (after a God). Interestingly enough, most of my ancestral background is mostly Celtic however I only discovered this in recent years after I already felt drawn (and years after I named my son). Talk about reconnecting with your roots. What or who is on your altar? Who are you studying or walking with on your path now? Apologies to Cernunnos whose head I cut off in this photo.
That’s so kool
That is incredible
It’s so magical
You altar is beautiful!
I love your set up it’s beautiful
Beautiful altar for Imbolc!
Your altar is set up so beautifully! I haven’t even begun to thing about Imbolg, but I suppose it’s about time I do…
I spy several things that relate to Brigid on your altar
She’s one of the main deities I work with, too!
It’s so pretty! Good job!
That is a lovely altar for Imbolg! I just received my new cloth for Brighid’s altar & I am very excited about it! I have an altar that Brighid has her space on & I have another altar where the Morrigan has her space. They seem to like it that way
Brighid was also the first deity that I had connected with as well! I have learned so much & that just continues as time passes as my connection with her also gets a bit deeper.
I also have to start thinking a bit more about getting ready for Imbolg myself… I do several things, however haven’t started any of them
It’s very lovely & I really like how you incorporated elements of Brighid with the altar!
Your altar is lovely! Me as well havent started thinking about Imbolc, but I guess it is time I do so I follow the sabbats mostly celebrating the change in nature than specific dieties, but maybe I will do something special for Aphrodite and Hestia.
Stunning, I love your altar! I likely won’t set one up for Imbolc but I think I will try my hand at making a Bridig’s cross and maybe a corn dolly
@SilverMoonStar absolutely beautiful! I’m just beginning to research Brigid. I too have been drawn to celtic culture for a long time. My ancestors, well some of them, are from the British Isles. Both of my son’s names are Celtic in origin. I really don’t have much room anywhere for altars in this cluttered house! Too much stuff and nowhere to put it!
I do have an ancestor altar though
My deities are Cerridwen, Goddess of the moon and magic and Cernunnos, God of the wild places. I find Cerridwen very supportive and feel very lucky to have found her.
Love this!
Beautiful altar, @SilverMoonStar - and so many nice treasures on display! Everything looks great. I think your Brigid’s Cross is really pretty!
Early Imbolc blessings to you!
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