
Hi @laura16! I’m Siofra_Strega, a moderator here in the forum. If you let me know what you would like your username to be, I will be happy to change it for you :hugs:

You may want to go through:

Forum How-To :speech_balloon: Guides for Using the Forum!

There is a link for something called Discobot… that is an interactive tutorial.

Start the Interactive Forum Tutorial with Discobot!

Let me know about your name & if there is something more with replies or creating topics. I’ll be happybto make sure you’re comfortable using the forum.

If I don’t respond right away, there are other knowledgeable members that may be able to also help or you can tag all the moderators using the @ & moderators immediately after the symbol. No spaces. :hugs:

Let me know! :revolving_hearts: