
So I have noticed something since really putting an effort into rituals and stuff like that.

Prior I would get ringing in my ears. Not bad ringing but I found out from my friend that sometimes it is a spirit trying to ‘speak’ to you. So I would say ‘can’t help you, I’m sorry’ and it would stop a second later.

Just recently I noticed I don’t get it anymore. I am using sage more often and more rituals towards my Goddess Selene and all that. Every night I’m taking a bath, candels, crystals, sage all that. Wondering if there is a tie here?

Just something I noticed and thought I would put to you fine folks.


It is an interesting potential connection, that’s for sure. I have heard that some people notice a connection between spirits, deities, and ringing in their ears. I don’t personally put stock in the ringing but I also have tinnitus so it wouldn’t be very accurate for me :laughing: my ears are always ringing!


My Mom would say when your ears ring someone is talking about you. I like the spirit thing better. Lol!


I hear this one a lot, too!


O my soul I have tinnitus as well… Its a pain cause it NEVER stops… Especially in the morning and everything is still quiet…


I get the ear ringing a lot! I believe it to be my frequency raising as I’m passionate about something, I’ll hear it and my third eye tingles or theres a slight pressure. I love feeling that. Others may not. But that’s my opinion.


I don’t have tinnitus… & I have had inner ear things go on since an early age… so I have been asked all the questions & had a litany of tests regarding my ears & hearing. I do have clairaudience though, however, that’s a topic for another day :laughing:

As long as I can remember, I will randomly get ringing in my ears. Mostly the right but sometimes the left. Usually one or the other, but on occasion, it will be both at the same time. When I notice it I used to try to not pay attention to it because I wasn’t sure what it meant, but no matter what I hear it either faint or loud…

Now, I acknowledge it & sometimes it gets louder then fades away, sometimes it’s for a brief moment, & sometimes it’s for a bit longer & sometimes gradually gets louder & lingers loudly before dying down completely. Still working on trusting my intuition & the messages I receive from wherever they are coming from at the time :thinking:

I remember that I found something one day that mentioned ringing in your ears & what it meant, I just can’t find the original topic that we were discussing it, but it was a long while ago. This is what I found:

The Mysterious Spiritual Meaning of Ringing in the Ears article has information along with some items for reference on ringing in the ears:

Ringing Sound in Right Ear Meaning
High Pitched High-pitched ringing in the right ears is a sign of a spiritual being coming in on the energy of your crown chakra, or spiritual center. These are usually beings that are connected to Sources, such as angels and highly evolved beings of light.
Low-Pitched Low-pitched ringing in the right ear is a sign of an energetic being coming in on the energy from your lower chakras, which are your survival centers. These are usually lower vibrational beings that are coming in on stress and anxiety.
Buzzing/White noise Buzzing or white noise is often a sign that you have a strong attachment to another physical being, such as a romantic partner, a friend, a parent, or a pet. The energetic chord is causing a vibrational pull that sounds like soft buzzing.
Sudden and Loud Ringing A sudden and loud ring in the ears that lasts only for a short moment is often a way to get your attention, usually from a spirit guide or an angel, telling you to pay attention. Usually, this is a warning, but it can also be something that excites your guides.
Ringing Sound in Left Ear Meaning
High-Pitched High-pitched ringing in your left ear is often a sign that you are in a “growth period.” This means that you are stepping into a higher vibration, and your energy is recalibrating to get into a new alignment. This realignment often causes a high-pitched ringing.
Low-Pitched Low-pitched ringing in your left ear is often a sign of stressors or negative energy that is lowering your vibration. This causes your energy to be off-balance, resulting in a temporary low humming in your ear.
Buzzing/White noise A soft buzzing or white noise static in your left ear is a message from your higher self. This is especially true if it is accompanied by a feeling of peace and trust in the flow of the universe. It is a sign that the communication pathways between you and your higher self are opening, and your intuitive language is developing. This should ease over time, the more comfortable you feel listening to your intuition.
Sudden and Loud A sudden or loud ringing in your left ear is a warning from your higher self, and a signal to pay attention.
Ringing Sound in Left Ear Meaning
High-Pitched High-pitched ringing in your left ear is often a sign that you are in a “growth period.” This means that you are stepping into a higher vibration, and your energy is recalibrating to get into a new alignment. This realignment often causes a high-pitched ringing.
Low-Pitched Low-pitched ringing in your left ear is often a sign of stressors or negative energy that is lowering your vibration. This causes your energy to be off-balance, resulting in a temporary low humming in your ear.
Buzzing/White noise A soft buzzing or white noise static in your left ear is a message from your higher self. This is especially true if it is accompanied by a feeling of peace and trust in the flow of the universe. It is a sign that the communication pathways between you and your higher self are opening, and your intuitive language is developing. This should ease over time, the more comfortable you feel listening to your intuition.
Sudden and Loud A sudden or loud ringing in your left ear is a warning from your higher self, and a signal to pay attention.
  • Within the article mentions the “Old Wive’s Tale” that ringing in your ears means someone is talking about or gossiping about you. It’s a pretty interesting explanation & it makes sense to me anyway :smiling_face:

I hope this helps your understanding of the ringing in ears a bit better & what it means for you! :hugs:


Thank you @Susurrus for the great information!


Oh, you’re very welcome @Ostara!

I wish I could find the original topic where we had discussed it, but no harm in sharing the site & article again!

I was just thinking the other day when I had the ringing in my right ear to find out what it could be so finding this information & the chart was actually really helpful this morning then a lot of things made sense from the week :laughing:


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