To hex someone means to “bewitch” someone. In the end it’s all about intent, so if you are targeting a person and you have ill intents, that’s essentially a curse.
1830, American English, from Pennsylvania German hexe “to practice witchcraft,” from German hexen “to hex,” related to Hexe “witch,” from Middle High German hecse, hexse, from Old High German hagazussa (see hag). Noun meaning “magic spell” is first recorded 1909; earlier it meant “a witch” (1856). Compare Middle English hexte “the devil” (mid-13c.), perhaps originally “sorcerer,” probably from Old English haehtis.
“Is a hex dark magick”… it’s a good question, @Garnet! Originally, I would have said “yes” without a further thought under the idea that the word “hex” always has a negative connotation- that is to say, it’s a type of magic cast with the intent to harm.
The recent discussion What do you think about Traditional & Modern Black Magick made me more aware about the terms and I now know that witches define “Black Magick” (sometimes called “Dark Magick” or “Baneful Magick”) in very different ways.
So now I’d have to say that whether a “hex” is Black Magick or not will largely be determined by how each individual defines Black Magick.
In my personal practice, I define any magick with the intent to cause harm as Black Magick- so going from this, I would say yes- I would consider a hex to be Black Magick.
Thanks for opening up this thought-inducing discussion, Garnet! Blessed be
Some people in western NY and Pa. use the hex signs on their barns to ward off evil or as a blessing…
“Amish magic,” which is considered a subset of folk magic, is the channeling of divine energy and prayer into an individual so that they may be healed by the grace of God
Is a hex sign on a barn white or dark, I would say white because. Although the Pennsylvania Dutch are devout in their beliefs in Christianity, they are also very superstitious. It would not be impossible for a jealous person to negatively hex another.