I’m going to share two parts from the book; Blood and Bones by: Kate Frauler, in which deeply talk about the subject in matter and quote:
“Remember that the spells you cast have consequences. No matter what rituals and workings you do, it’s important to think things through thoroughly first. Whether you believe in the rule of three, karma, or simply that like attracts like, your intentions and actions shape your future even when you direct them outward at others. You’re responsible for the results of your magickal work.”
“Most practitioners really do try to avoid causing harm and so have no experience with dark workings. Many times, if you ask about cursing, you will simply be told, “Don’t do it—it’s bad energy that will come back to you.” But this doesn’t answer the questions. It merely dismisses them, and it certainly doesn’t help explain why witches are associated with the dark side in the first place. We’re linked to some spooky stuff, such as blood, sacrifice, and evil, from error and misinformation, yes, but there is a small element of truth in there, in that witches can, and sometimes do, perform dark magick.”
Magick is a reality, is there, around us and in us. Is in the hand of the practitioner, magician, witch, shaman, sorcerer, brujo, palero, Luciferians and the list goes on, on how is going to work with that force that the universe provides to us, has part of a living evolution that came from that spark of energy and made us to be.
Ying and Yang
always existed to maintain in balanced this forces, that no matter how hard some people try to buried it from their lives, it always going to be there. Is part of us, the key here is to control it.
That’s why we have as human beings ethics, to differentiate what is good and the opposite.
In working with magick is the same, but for us that sometimes do what it has been labeled as black magick, we do understand the rules from doing such a work, knowing its consequences, but also taking the responsibility of the outcome.
Therefore for me is only magick, dark or light, white or black, is only a label placed from I don’t know who, that didn’t want to accept that has a dark side in his/her/them life.
When a person watch the news and listen that someone killed a child, the first reaction of everyone is; that person deserves to die or to be killed in the same way he/she/them killed the child. Of course, this is a example, that validates the dark part in ALL of us. We just choose to what to do with it, and continue with our lifes. If you kick a dog, the dog is going to react back, it won’t stay to think of you, the dog or it goes away, or it stays and bite. Is part of NATURE in all of its forms. Even the universe in its purest form destroy to give birth to new things. Different situations, but the same principle, in which dark takes part.