Is a Hex dark magic

“Is a hex dark magick”… it’s a good question, @Garnet! Originally, I would have said “yes” without a further thought under the idea that the word “hex” always has a negative connotation- that is to say, it’s a type of magic cast with the intent to harm.

The recent discussion What do you think about Traditional & Modern Black Magick made me more aware about the terms and I now know that witches define “Black Magick” (sometimes called “Dark Magick” or “Baneful Magick”) in very different ways.

So now I’d have to say that whether a “hex” is Black Magick or not will largely be determined by how each individual defines Black Magick.

In my personal practice, I define any magick with the intent to cause harm as Black Magick- so going from this, I would say yes- I would consider a hex to be Black Magick.

Thanks for opening up this thought-inducing discussion, Garnet! Blessed be :sparkles: