Hey Christina! Welcome to Spells8!
You’ve gotten a lot of great info here from many of our wonderful members and I wanted to share my thoughts as well.
Meditation can be a difficult thing to learn if you’ve never done anything like it before. We’re taught to believe (wrongfully) that meditation is about sitting down and emptying your mind. Honestly, for most people in the world that is nigh impossible! However, there’s still hope!
I really like the visual that @Troy mentioned with viewing your thoughts as cars passing you by as you sit on the side of the road. Some thoughts move more slowly than others. Some thoughts race past you and you can’t even catch them. Other thoughts my stop on the side of the road with you and bug you, asking you for directions and wasting your time. That’s okay! Part of meditating is the ability to acknowledge those thoughts and redirect them elsewhere.
@Amaris_Bane said something interesting that I might have to implement for myself When you have a thought, say “thinking” in your mind. When you have a feeling, say “feeling”. This is such a cool method! I like that you’re acknowledging the thought or feeling without giving it any extra attention.
One way that I view meditation and passing thoughts is like a conveyer belt or clouds in the sky. They pass along gently. Some of them are larger than others. Some of them are dark and terrifying while others are light and fluffy. Letting them pass while simply seeing their presence is a great first step toward a peaceful mind.
Have you tried a guided meditation? We have several here on Spells8 that might be helpful for you! There are also videos on YouTube that guide you through meditation and, as @Rev_Angel mentioned, even apps! I believe @Susurrus (another moderator here) uses Insight Timer for her meditations. They might be worth looking into!
Here are some links for you to check out, too
And again, welcome to the forum!
These videos are from my own YouTube channel but you will also find many more like it on YouTube from other creators.