Kiss on the forehead – the most powerful kiss with significant power!

Whenever you kiss someone on the forehead, you are actually kissing their third eye. There is much more to it than we have thought.

Unlike a kiss on the lips or cheek, this is much more intimate because you get to the core of the person. Usually, we do not make contact with each other’s forehead. It’s not something as common as holding hands or hugging.

The third eye is the gateway to the depths of your being and can also lead to the higher levels of spirit. It represents awakening, but it is also an important part of you. It is located right in the middle of your eyebrows and can be opened and closed at will, but only if this art has been mastered. It is an invisible presence that exists within us from birth and continues to exist even after life leaves the physical body.

If a kiss is placed on the third eye, it evokes a sense of enlightenment from deep within.
Kissing the third eye will affect the pineal gland and also the pituitary gland. This stimulates the release of melatonin, the hormone that helps you get a good night’s rest. Every time they kiss you goodnight, they help you a lot more than you think. Not only does it help you rest easy, it makes you feel safe and happy. We can only wonder what knowledge prompted our ancestors to do this so common a habit.

It’s okay to be unsure of what to do about it, but the best part is trying it out for yourself. Kiss your significant other or someone else you really care about on the forehead. Feel the divinity pass from you to the other, removing all their worries and then feel the effective healing. When you do this often, you will begin to notice your life and the lives of everyone around you changing, slowly but surely.

The kiss in the third eye from the one who is meant to kiss you, at the time and place he was meant to kiss you can rejuvenate you and give you a whole new thirst for life.

The next time someone kisses you on the forehead, take a moment to think about how you feel afterwards. Keep these words in mind and the experience will make more sense.


This is simply lovely. It’s shows why mothers kiss their children on their foreheads at bedtimes, passing on the wisdom of their ancestors without even knowing it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


that’s what I thought too my sister when I read it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I have always kiss my husband on the forehead, never thought of it being his 3rd eye. I absolutely love this new perspective!


Love this article. Soooo
Who am I kissing or who is kissing me and any takers?


I would imagine your twin flame is first in the queue, no? :smile_cat:


Yes she is :heart: :fire::fire: but then who’s next? Lol


Twin Flame, no intentions, here. I’m too old to go that route. No one has ever kissed my third eye, and I’ve never kissed anyone else’s. Mom kissed my ear, popping my eardrum, and it hurt. All that said, in all innocence,



Beautiful article @AIRAM thank you for sharing :revolving_hearts: . :infinite_roots: :infinite_roots:


This is adorable :heart_eyes: My husband always kisses me there :blush: I have a picture from our wedding of this. He does make me feel safe!


I’ll kiss your forehead @john1 . But I’m a Leo, sorry. (kiss)


Kisses back :kissing_smiling_eyes:


This is great! We’ve always been forehead kissers in my family. I’ve always felt it was precious. Now we have another indication as to why. Thank you for sharing! :pray: :kiss:


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