Learning Astrology 101: Exploring Planetary Returns Part 4

Hello everyone,

Welcome to part 4 of our exploration of the Planetary Returns. This is the final part of this mini exploration of returns in astrology. Last week, we explored Jupiter returns are and what they can reveal about the future. If you missed this post or need a reminder, you can find it here:

This week we are focusing on the Saturn Return, probably the best known planetary return. We will explore what it is and how we can use them to our advantage.

What is the Saturn Return?

Saturn was associated by the Romans with their God of time because they observed how slowly it moved across the sky. It is the last of the planets that are visible to the naked eye…I can actually see it in the sky out the window at my time of writing this!.

Saturn taken on my phone

In astrology, Saturn is often thought of in a negative manner. It is associated with structure, discipline and authority. It also establishes boundaries, rules and forces us to take responsibility for our actions. Saturn reaches us harsh and painful lessons in order to improve us.

When Saturn returns to the exact degree and sign that it occupied when you were born, it marks your Saturn Return. This does not happen every year like the solar return. It takes around 29 years for Saturn to reach it’s natal location and do we may only experience 2 or 3 returns in our lifetime, around age 29, 58 and 87. This might vary by a couple of years due to retrograde motions. The energies of the return will be felt for 2-3 years, depending on the length of its stay in the sign in which the return occurs.

Different Saturn Returns

Your first Saturn return gives you a shake and tells you that it is time for you to really grow up. Even in our twenties, many of us still really on our parents for many aspects of our life. The Saturn throws us into a new reality, one where we must truly become “adults”. You might feel that you have outgrown your reality, a bit like a t-shirt that no longer fits. The more you try to“fit into that t-shirt” and refuse to evoke, the more uncomfortable Saturn will make it for you. The more you “grow” by following the rules e.g paying bills, food shopping, domestic chores etc, the easier things will become because you have learned Saturns lessons. Ultimately, this return will point out what is not working in your life and what needs to change.

The second Saturn return is a time for deep introspection. We may assess our past decisions, career paths, and personal relationships, determining what has brought fulfilment and what hadn’t and therefore, may need to change. You may also begin to think about their your and what you want to leave behind. Questions about how you want to be remembered and the impact you’ve had on others could also come to mind. With age comes wisdom and you might feel called to mentor others, sharing your experiences and knowledge. This can be a time of giving back to the community or supporting younger generations. There is likely to be a heightened awareness of health and wellness. This can lead to adopting healthier habits or addressing any unresolved health issues. This return period may also encourage you to seek meaning beyond material success, focusing on inner fulfilment and spiritual alignment.

Our third Saturn return often bringd profound reflection about our entire life. This return prompts an evaluation of our achievements, challenges, and the lessons learned over the decades because ultimately, we, must accept that our time on the material end is coming to an end. We are forced to accept the limitations of our age, which can actually lead to a sense of peace. Letting go of past regrets and embracing the present becomes essential. We may contemplate how we’ve impacted our family, community, and the world. This can lead to efforts to solidify their legacy through storytelling, mentoring, or creating lasting contributions. The value of relationships may become even more pronounced and you may prioritise quality time with loved ones, fostering deeper connections and cherishing shared moments.nWith many years of experience, you may feel compelled to share your wisdom with others.

Themes of Saturn Returns

Here are some of the key themes of a Saturn return:
The concept of time and realisation of our mortality
Self reflection and aiming for improvement
The value and rewards of hard work
Letting of what no longer serves
Growing up
Your timeline is your own so don’t compare to others
Awareness of our coping mechanisms
Revising expectations and being unapologetic about goals

Finding your Saturn Return

You can calculate your solar return using the link below:

In the birth chart section, enter your birth date time and location.

In the Return of the Planet menu, choose Saturn.

Choose the year that you want to show the returns from. You may want to choose your birth year to see when previous returns have occurred or choose 2024 to show when the next ones will occur.

In the location, you enter where you currently reside, not where you were born.


You will then see a list of upcoming ( and previous, depending on the year you used) Saturn returns. You may find, like, me, that you are currently in the first few years of a new cycle or perhaps you are entering the last part before a new cycle.

From the table, you can view the chart for a specific return by clicking on RETURN CHART.

When the chart appears, click on the extended settings link and change the House System to WHOLE HOUSE. Then click REDRAW. This is your Saturn return chart.

General Advice for Saturn Returns

Plan your times responsibilities, perhaps using a diary or planner.
Challenge yourself to do something new every day.
Pay bills on time and ensure you keep to appointments.
Plan regular dental check ups as Saturn rules the teeth.
Maintain authority but also build a sense of humour.
Set and maintain your personal boundaries.
Don’t let fear, guilt and shame rule your life.
Say no!

Interpreting Your Saturn Return

Sign and House Interpretations


My next Saturn return doesn’t occur until 2042 so is a bit away. However, when it does, it will occur in Scorpio in the 10th house.

This could highlight a transformative period focused on career, public image, and personal authority, infused with Scorpio’s themes of intensity and depth. During this time, I may reassess professional goals and ambitions, establishing a clearer path forward and perhaps take on more responsibilities or leadership roles. I will be challenged to confront fears or insecurities related to my ambitions. Setting healthy boundaries in professional relationships will be crucial because I may have you navigate power dynamics to ensure my needs are respected. This return will invite me to reflect on the legacy I want to create and set intentions to help me to achieve this

I hope you have enjoyed this brief journey into a more advanced aspect of astrology. Hopefully the lessons learned will help you to cultivate a more prosperous and discipline life using the energies of the planets above us.

Blessed be



These were fabulous! I learned a lot from your lessons. Thank you so much for taking the time to put these together for us. I hope you do more lessons in the future!


My last Saturn return was a triple (2022, retrograde in 2022, then again in 2023). The final one was in Aquarius in the 11th house - and the note on the chart definitely aligns :+1:

I think I’m still working through the echoes of the one last year, and it looks like I’ve got a solid 30 years until the next one! This is all a treasure trove of information to have. It makes it easy to find and understand the Saturn Returns.

Thank you so much for this wonderful exploration, Alan - it’s a blessing to have! :raised_hands: :star2: :ringer_planet:


@Mystique i am glad you enjoyed them. Yes a new lesson will come next week explaining how to find your signsture sign. This is something that not many people are aware of so hopefully it will be useful and interesting.

@BryWisteria My Saturn is almost halfway around after my last return. 3 years and i will be at the point where my natal and transit saturns are in opposition. Looks like ill be facing fears surrounding financial stability or too control in realtionships! I have a few years to prepare! :joy:


Yay! I’m excited for the next lesson!


It’s good to have the heads up! Plenty of time to set expectations and make plans. May your next Saturn Return be kind to you! :grin: :+1: :ringer_planet: