Looking for a Spell: Dealing with Negativity?

Greetings @TheMuslimWitch :blush:

That’s a great question! I hope you don’t mind that I moved it into a new discussion, as I wanted to help it get the attention it deserves- I’m sure the coven can offer some great spell suggestions for you!

There’s a whole different discussion about the pros/cons about “faking it til you make it” when it comes to being happy. I won’t go into that as it sounds like trying to force yourself to be joyful isn’t helping you right now- so, like you mentioned, let’s look at spells to help you not just reflect on the negative but also move on from the negativity too.

When it comes to reflection, perhaps you might consider doing some Shadow Work? It is a difficult but extremely beneficial aspect of magick that helps the user to face and overcome their inner darkness :candle:

Shadow Work: How to Begin?
Shadow Work Where to Start?
Shadow Work Spell
Shadow Work Spell 2
→ Additional posts tagged with Shadow Work in the forum

This Spell to Banish Negativity also comes to mind- maybe this spell could help you!

Spell Ward to Banish Evil and Negative Energies

These are just a couple of suggestions- I’m sure the coven will have some more for you to consider!

Good luck with facing and overcoming the negativity in your life, @TheMuslimWitch- I’m cheering for you! Blessed be :sparkles: