Shadow Working💪

I suggest something I called a coal shower. You get some coal paste or whatever you have really ( ash, crumbled herbs etc) that is not permanent or damaging to the skin. And you take time out when you have the free time and space. You think of all the things people has said to you that have hurt or made you feel less good about your beautiful soul. You take the paste and mark an x on your body for every occasion and thing you can think of. Once you feel you have enough or you don’t want to continue. Get into the shower and allow the water to cleanse you of the ‘X’s and to help heal you and forgive yourself. As the water runs over you, think about all the incidents and things you marked and allow the washing water to symbolise freeing yourself from those things and not allowing them to have a hold on you. Do this ritual as many times as you like and feel you need to. Be prepared, this is very intense and can be heavy on you. So take as much time as you need! Afterwards, it gives you a freeing feeling as if a weight has been lifted.


What an awesome self healing spell… thank you for sharing.


You’re so welcome :heart:


I love it! Perfect blending of shadow work (healing, forgiving) and self-care (good for body and soul). And shower rituals are perfect for those who don’t have enough time for a cleansing bath.

Thanks for sharing, Christina!! :smiley:


Of course! I needed to do that recently and it helped so much so I thought I’d share!


Fantastic ritual! I like the symbology you placed behind negative energies, marking an x and then washing them away. :metal:t4:

Thank you for sharing this! <3


You’re welcome sweet bird!


This sounds like a great cleansing ritual that is wonderful for practicing self-care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I imagine it does feel very freeing and uplifting afterwards, with all of those burdens and bad emotions washed away! :sparkles:

Thank you for sharing, @christina4! :sparkling_heart:


You’re very welcome :slight_smile:


Thank you Christina! For this Healing Spell!


This is intense and beautiful.


Hello @christina4

Thanks for sharing this. Indeed, sometime we need to do this.

Also, we must think that when we can forgive others, then why words of others can hit us for which we cannot pardon ourselves?

This is a great too to teach about how to forgive ourselves. Thanks for sharing.



I’m doing this tonight! I don’t have coal out ash but I have some flaked black salt that is made with charcoal . I think that will work!

Thank you Christina!


That should work fine!!!


I may be a day behind but I am so doing this as I walk to the bathroom!!! Thank you !


You’re very welcome :relaxed:


Would the incense and charcoal ash I’ve been saving from my cauldron and burners to make black salt with work by chance? I actually just posted that I was looking for a way to begin shadow work because my cards have been heavily pointing out that I have a lot of emotional baggage I need to let go of and heal from and deep down I’ve known for quite sometime but don’t know that I ever really learned how to deal with it. I know sometimes after doing guided meditations I am overwhelmed with emotions but I don’t really know if it’s actually helping me release these things that are holding me back from a fulfilling healthy life. I’ve suffered from anxiety, depression and PTSD for almost 20 years and it would be nice to at least be able to cut the down time these disorders bring at least a fraction or two if not heal them completely.
Thank you @christina4 for posting this. I may try it here in a bit while everyone is away from the house for most of the day.


Wishing you all the best of luck with your Shadow Work, Megan :pray: Personally, I’ve found Shadow Work to be a much stronger release than guided meditations (which tend to be more gentle and reassuring). Just a friendly word of advice- I recommend leaving some time post-Shadow Work for recovery and healing as it can be very brutal. Take good care of yourself- I hope your dive into Shadow Work can help you find the peace that you are seeking! :heart: