Looking for a wand!

Hey all, I’m waiting to get a wand before I finish my initiation. The wait has been killing me. I just want to delve right in but I think it’s the right thing to wait for this wand. Anyway, I was just seeing if anyone had some wand recommendations. I definitely want my wand to have meaning, as it is going to be my primary tool. Once I have it, I plan to finish my initiation, read more, and do more of the courses on Spells8. I’m just so excited to get deeper into the Craft. They used to sell Harry Potter wands at my local games store but I should probably have something a little better than that.


Mine is a drum stick. I believe you can use any tool that you’re already using in another area of your life (e.g. a paintbrush, a wooden spoon) or anything that you feel is a “part” of you. After all, the wand is an extension of the index finger, the Jupiter finger.

The right tools for you are just that, the ones that are right for you. Any process that you follow should be one that you feel builds a connection between you and the tool.

You can also seek out a wand maker and write them a letter about what you are looking for.


I ordered one on Merlin’s Realm. He hand makes it and it has a quartz crystal attached to the end. I enjoy talking with vendors, supporting them, and making sure they know their work is valued.
You could make one, use a wooden spoon, or a stick. Follow your values.


Congrats on your soon-to-be first wand, @colin! :grin: If you’re feeling the urge to be crafty, maybe consider making a wand by hand? :sparkles: You could also buy a plain wand as a base and then make it uniquely yours by adding to it. Here are few discussions with more links, advice, and tips about making/enhancing a wand:

Good luck- and feel free to share pictures when you’ve found/made the perfect wand for you! Blessed be :two_hearts:


I got a crystal wand from Raven and Crone Pagan Supplies. It’s gorgeous and I have really connected with it since I had it. I’m actually going to use it later today. It’s not real big, but definitely worth the money. Or I know some people make their wands from a nice stick/branch of a tree. I know you’re supposed to tie a red ribbon around the branch to thank the tree for giving up a part of itself for your craft.


I got my wand from Merlin’s Realm as well, it fits nicely in my hand and has a great crystal in the handle. But like everyone else said, it’s really up to you, and what connects to you the most.


I made my wand. I found a swirly looking stick. I put crystals on it. I used beads with feathers inside on leather strips. At the bottom, I wrapped the handle with a small rope that I now believe is hemp.


Thanks for all the info. I like the idea of writing a letter to a wand maker. Also modifying a base wand sounds really cool. I’ll make my decision soon! :slight_smile:


Like @christina4 , I made mine. It’s made from a branch of a tree that sadly died in my backyard. At the very tip, I attached a quartz point with some twine.


Well I ordered a wand off Merlin’s Realm too. I went with Dumbledore’s Elder wand. Can’t wait until it gets here. :slight_smile:


Nice choice, @colin! :+1: I hope it quickly makes its way to a loving new home with you :blush:


Sounds powerful! I wanted to see what it looks like and came upon the Harry Potter wiki page on the Elder Wand.

I haven’t read any of the HP books since I was 16 but that wand has a very interesting background!


Oh that’s a gooooorgeous wand! How exciting :heart_eyes:


I haven’t read those books in awhile either but they definitely are cool wands. I wanted something that would really speak to me. The best part is I can get on with the other courses on the site when it does arrive. This is a major step up in my sorcery. I really like the old looking wood color. I’m sure it will serve me well. Plus it will add more ritual into my spell craft. I’m hoping that it works well for cutting doors in my circles because I don’t have an athame yet. I’m trying to lean more on the sorcerer side of things, that’s why I went with getting a wand first.


Yes, typically the athame :dagger: is used for that. Or to cut pentagrams in the air, to cut energetic cords, and it is traditionally plunged into a chalice to symbolize the union of the masculine-feminine divide, sealing a ritual or spell.

The wand, on the other hand, is used to direct energy, like an extension of your mind. So in a visible way, you are pointing towards something to align it with the energy that’s build up inside of you.

Having said that, I’ve heard of practitioners with a history of self-harm who prefer not to work with blades like an athame, so instead they use the wand for most operations. I don’t see anything wrong with that!


Hi @colin
Curious where you found to buy?! I made mine. Things like wood talk to me. I had a stick I was going to use and when I went into my crap Oops I mean craftroom, where I had 2 sticks laying on the floor. I heard “Pick Me” but I didn’t know which one so I used my pendulum to figure it out.
Anyway did you do a spell or cleanse it before using it in your craft?