Lucid Dreaming Tools for Apple?

Does anyone have any suggestions on lucid dreaming tools for apple?


Hello @molly7,

Welcome! :heart: I hope you don’t mind that I upgraded your question into a topic of its own- things tend to get buried in the comments of old threads, so this way I hope it can get the attention it deserves! :blush:

I use an Android, but hopefully some fellow coven members who use Apple will have some recommendations for you.

In the meantime, I’ll drop a link to the Lucid Dreaming Guide- it’s more resource material than tools per se, but maybe there’s something there that might help you on your journey.

Lucid Dreaming - How to Control Your Dreams

Wishing you all the best with your studies - blessed be, Molly! :heart:


Welcome! @molly7 I’m not an apple user but I’m there are lots!


Merry meet!

I’m Kat and I found the practice 30 years ago but lost my way for a while. I am an eclectic Green witch with an interest in tarot, runes, herbalism, and moon magic.

We’re glad to have you here. :purple_heart: Make yourself comfortable, explore, and feel free to ask questions!

:herb: :bow_and_arrow: :hekate_wheel: :crescent_moon:


Hello and Welcome @molly7


Welcome @molly7, I don’t know of any Lucid Dreaming apps for Apple devices. I typically use Android. I wanted to say hello :wave: & I hope you can find something to help you.

I believe we have done some other things on Lucid Dreaming as well:

:star: Lucid Dreaming - How to Gain Control of Your Dreams
Learning to Have Lucid Dreams
Visualization: Crystals, Meditation, Guided Imagery - this has a link to crystals to assist with Lucid Dreaming & a little bit about lucid dreaming within it too!