Lammas is a pagan feast and one of the eight Wiccan sabbats celebrated during the year. It is sometimes referred to as Lughnasad or Lughnassadh. Every sabbat signifies a change in the seasons. On August 1, this sabbat falls around midway between the summer solstice (Litha) and the autumnal equinox (Mabon).
Ooo… I do love to make my own incense & I also celebrate Lughnasadh! Perfect to make for it! Thank you for sharing!
How are we already less than a month away from Lammas!?!
This is a very welcome reminder to start preparing for the “bread Sabbat”- thank you for this lovely incense recipe, @Silverbear!
No no no no no no – shhhhh
Thank you for this wonderful recipe, @SilverBear it sounds like it smells amazing!
No stopping it now- so I guess it’s just about time to bring out the bread recipes and Lammas spellwork ideas! Bread Sabbat, here we come~!
Before I read the other replies I hadn’t really realized how close we actually are to Lughnasadh… Going to have to add an alert to my calendar so I don’t space on this one
Didn’t I just decorate my altar for Litha?! How is Lughnasadh fast approaching?!
Right?! That’s exactly how I feel!
Ohh! These are some herbs that I have not worked with before. Will definitely look forward to creating this. Thank you!
Can you believe it’s almost August 1? Where has this year gone? I am going to slice up some oranges and lemons and put them in the dehydrator to use on my altar. I also have sunflowers drying for the altar.
They are going to be so pretty!
Have fun with your drying and crafting, Ostara!