You can use this oil to anoint your candles, wear for protection against all kinds of attacks and you can also anoint the windows & door frames of your home to aid in protection.
Protection Anointment Oil Recipe
You will need
Small dark glass bottle with cap
4 drops Basil - used for protection, exorcism, money spells, improve situations, beauty and love spells.
3 drops Geranium - used for anxiety release, anger and combat depression. Can also attract happiness and prosperity.
2 drops Pine - Used for healing, protection, fertility, money, prosperity, cleansing and exorcisms.
1 drop Vetiver - Helps to maintain emotional calm; especially if you have flashbacks. Helps with processing grief, promotes restful sleep and calm dreams, and helps in overcoming negative times.
1 oz Carrier Oil - fractionated coconut oil, grape seed oil or olive oil.
Store your anointing oil in a cool area.
Never apply essential oils directly to your skin unless you know it’s safe to do so. Most essential oils can not be applied to skin without the aid of a carrier oil.
Keep it out of direct sunlight to protect it from the damaging effects of the sun’s ultraviolet light.
Always use caution if using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.
You can experiment and create your own formulas to make anointing oils.
Anointing oil is consecrated before its use.
Have whatever you want to consecrate nearby, light your sage or palo santo. Ask for the plant spirit blessing, “I ask that the plant spirit of palo santo please infuse this space with blessings”.
Pick up your object, fan it with your smoke, go all around it and say, “ with this smoke I cleanse this object of all negative or harmful energy so that I may use it for my highest good. So, it is said, so shall it be.”
Now you have a great little Magical Anointment Oil!
Blessing Oil Recipe
5 drops Sandalwood - you can substitute cedar wood oil here Sandalwood can be very pricey! - cleansing & protection.
2 drops Camphor - spiritual cleanings, purification, eliminates harmful and intrusive energies.
1 drop Orange - love, divination, luck, money, and can also be used for wedded bliss.
1 drop Patchouli - love, lust, self-confidence, protection and break jinxes.
Add to 1/8 cup of oil of your choice.
As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma. Know that this oil is sacred and magical!
I like to use this blessing oil recipe at my altar and anointment my candles with it. Sometimes I add it to my Third Eye Chakra before meditation.