The fire torches are such a creative touch and they make the garden glow in a very beautiful way. It’s a big bonus that they help keep the space free of those pesky midges too- be gone, bugs!
You’ve nurtured and grown a truly wonderful space- may it continue to bring you comfort and peace
This year we have had so much rain, that we are no longer in a drought! After 10 years of drought, this is amazing, but at the same time, it’s very unusual. It’s certainly been a year of extreme temperatures, not just here but around the world. My sunflowers have not done well, especially the ones in our front yard, which only get morning sun, but yet, I am so grateful to be out of the drought! A week or so ago, we had strong wind along with rain, thankful for the rain… but two of my tallest sunflowers in the yard blew over!
Most days it’s just hot here, and over 100 or close to it, with an occasional sprinkle in the afternoon. On a happier note, I do have some morning glories in bloom!
I have quite a variety of grasshoppers, they are pretty thick this year, lots of new varieties and colors too! I saw one yesterday with blue legs! And you can tell they love to eat the green leaves!
Your morning glorys are beautiful! Many years ago my best friend took me to a place that was abandoned and wr dug up some morning glories. Within a week after that they were tearing the old house down and buiding a new house with concrete slabs.i had morning glories everywhere in my yard from the little piece I got from that house. Hubby has killed them all on purpose!
@crystal59 My grandmother had morning glories in her yard, so they are good memories for me!
@Ostara I’m so sorry… Hubby has killed them all on purpose!
They are easy to grow, I collect seeds in the fall and will send you some if you want me to… just pm me your address.
I’m sorry about the struggles your sunflowers are facing, but wow to your happy morning glories! What a beautiful color- that is some intense blue and purple
And hello to your grasshopper friends- they sound colorful and fun!
My corn died in the huge heatwave we had last week, unfortunately. My other plants are doing alright, though! The weeds are starting to take over again, but I’m not allowed to go out and do any strenuous activity yet - still healing from surgery. I’m gonna have my work cut out for me when I can, though!
@Marsha Sorry it’s been too hot for garden work- hopefully the weather will cool down soon and you’ll have many more days to enjoy your garden this season
I’m so sorry for the loss of your oak trees, @Ostara
If it feels appropriate to do, do you think you’ll try to salvage any of their wood or branches? It might be nice to keep their memory around in that way.
That’s a good idea! I will do that. I remember last year when the tree men cut down my pine tree, I think it was @marsha that said dying trees share there memories with other trees. I will always remember that. These trees were big 30 years ago so I know they must be really old. All of my neighbors are losing trees too.
I’m so sorry for your loss of 2 beautiful Oak Trees I get so attached to my trees and plants, that if one dies, it breaks my heart! I hope you can find comfort in knowing that the root network underground is still available to you intuitively… And perhaps, even waiting to connect with you!