Manifest the Power of The Raven!

There is something about ravens that has always been intriguing to humans. Perhaps it is their dark plumage or their sombre call, but there is something about these birds that seems to capture the imagination. For many cultures, the raven is seen as a holder of great power and mystery, often associated with the supernatural or the underworld. In Native American folklore, the raven is often seen as a trickster, a creature that is both cunning and mischievous. But there is also a more predatory side to the raven, a side that is often associated with death and destruction.

The raven has been a part of human culture for centuries, appearing in myths, legends and folklore from all over the world. In many ways, the raven is the perfect embodiment of the human shadow, the dark side of our nature that we try to keep hidden away. But as much as we try to ignore it, the shadow is always there, ready to emerge when we least expect it.

The raven is a reminder that we all have a dark side, a side that is capable of great harm. But it is also a reminder that this dark side is a part of who we are, and that we should not be afraid of it. Embrace your darkness, and let the spirit of the raven guide you on your journey.


Wow. You won’t believe. Took this picture today.


wow!!! How cool.


I love this!


Ravens, with their enigmatic and majestic presence, hold a special place in my heart. It’s not every day you encounter a creature so captivating. :black_heart:

In fact, I was told my own familiar would be a raven, and it is! In a way. It’s a cheeky black cat with the curious name “Raven”! :joy: I admit, it’s an unconventional way to approach it, but sometimes, the heart follows its own whimsical path.

However, as much as I adore ravens, I’d like to give their close cousins, the crows, their due recognition. The crow, a captivating creature, has long held a profound fascination in the hearts and minds of people worldwide for centuries. This avian marvel is adorned with symbolic meanings that have woven their presence into countless cultures and belief systems.

Ravens and crows are often intertwined in our thoughts, and for good reason.

On the rare occasion during my morning walks, I encounter a raven. But before I can fully appreciate their grandeur, my instincts lead me to scrutinise their beak and neck areas. Why? Because ravens and crows can be mistaken for one another.

I came across a rather sizable crow during my stroll home after a late lunch today. Its size caught my attention, yet there was no mistaking it; it was a crow. To jog my memory and delve deeper into the fascinating world of these remarkable birds, let’s explore their distinctive characteristics and differences.

(In my language, ravens go by the name “gavran” (гавран), while crows are referred to as “vrana” (врана).)

[Image source]

Let’s delve into the marvellous differences that set these avian wonders apart:

Physical Distinctions:

In terms of physical characteristics, ravens and crows exhibit several key differences. Ravens are notably larger, boasting wingspans of up to a meter, while crows are noticeably smaller, typically with wingspans of around 0.8 meters. Additionally, ravens tend to have shaggier throat feathers, lending them a rugged appearance, while crows sport sleeker feathers around their throats. Another distinguishing feature lies in their tail shape – ravens have wedge-shaped tails that taper to a point, whereas crows have tails that are more squared-off or gently rounded.


The vocalisations of these birds are as distinct as their physical characteristics. Ravens possess a deep, croaking voice that resonates through the air, creating a haunting and memorable call. In contrast, crows are known for their characteristic “caw,” a sharp and higher-pitched cry. Moreover, ravens have an extensive vocal repertoire that includes a diverse range of sounds, from clicks to croaks to melodious whistles. Crows, while also capable of various calls, have a somewhat more limited set of vocalisations compared to their larger cousins.

Habitat and Behavior:

Ravens and crows differ not only in appearance and vocalisations but also in their habitat and behaviour. Ravens tend to thrive in remote, wild settings, often far from the hustle and bustle of human civilisation. They are at home in wilderness areas where they can showcase their adaptability and survival skills. In contrast, crows are highly adaptable birds that can flourish in diverse environments, including urban areas. They are known for making cities and towns their habitat, demonstrating their ability to coexist with humans.

Another aspect of their behaviour relates to diet. Ravens are opportunistic feeders, readily indulging in carrion and hunting small prey. Their diet reflects their resourcefulness in finding food sources. Crows, on the other hand, are versatile foragers known for their knack in locating sustenance in various food sources, displaying adaptability once more.

In summary, ravens and crows are not only distinct in appearance and vocalisations but also in their habitat preferences and feeding behaviours. These differences contribute to the rich avian diversity, with each bird carving its unique niche in the natural world.

[Image source]

While ravens and crows may share some physical traits and a penchant for intrigue, they each possess their own unique charm and ecological niches. Although these birds are often mistaken for one another, their distinctive characteristics make them wonderfully unique in their own right, adding depth to the avian family that enriches our world.

As we delve into the symbolism of the crow, however, we discover a treasure trove of profound significance that greatly resembles that of the raven. Celebrated as a symbol of intelligence, it embodies the virtues of keen wit and sharp perception. It beckons us to ascend to higher perspectives, encouraging the contemplation of life’s challenges with clarity and insight. The crow stands resolute as a beacon of fearlessness, inspiring audacious determination in our approach to life’s trials.

Similar to the crow’s innate ability to thrive in diverse environments, its symbolism imparts valuable lessons of flexibility and adaptability. Within its enigmatic presence lies the essence of magic and the profound mysteries of creation, inviting us to explore these mystic realms. Like an uncharted path to personal transformation, the crow’s symbolism mirrors the alchemical process of inner change and growth.

Guiding us along the intricate paths of destiny, the crow is associated with the concept of life’s intricate journey. It also bears a mischievous spirit, embodying the qualities of a trickster, a reminder that life’s seriousness can be balanced with a touch of playfulness. Simultaneously, it carries the symbolism of manipulation and cunning, urging us to be aware of the power of our choices and actions.

[Image source]

Interestingly, the crow’s reputation varies, as it has been unjustly labelled as a bad omen in some cultures, highlighting the subjectivity of perceptions. Its scavenging and stealing behaviours showcase resourcefulness and opportunism, adding layers to its symbolism. Furthermore, in certain contexts, the crow is intertwined with dark magic and witchcraft, infusing an element of mystique into its symbolism.

In the realm of symbolism, the crow’s multifaceted nature continues to captivate and inspire, offering a diverse array of meanings that resonate with individuals from all walks of life.


This is how I tell them apart, at least when they fly

Your image says a group of crows is a ‘rookery’. I’ve never heard that; I always heard a group of crows referred to as a murder of crows.

This information is great. I need to bookmark this page. Thanks!


Oh, the first bird in the group of three is a rook. :smile: It goes rook, raven, then crow. So a group of rooks is a rookery.

The text where it has their names is pretty hard to read. :cry: Sorry.


Ah. Good to learn something new about them. Super fascinating birds.


I don’t know that I’ve actually ever encountered a raven while I’ve been out and about. I love crows and I hear them often. I love when they caw in the early fall and it’s cool and misty (I mean, in Georgia misty could really just be humidity, but I digress!) I think this fall I will have to be more mindful of what black beauties I am seeing… but I suspect I’m hanging out in the crow club!


I love this! Thank you @SilverBear


I’d like to share this link.

It is believed that if the Ravens leave or are lost, the crown will fall and Britain with it. Adding more power to The Raven. :grin::sparkling_heart:


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