March 2022 Single Oracle/Tarot/Rune Draws

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Radiant Crystal Oracle Deck

• By:
BouchetteDesign | Etsy

(I shuffled 3 times & took the top 3 cards off & drew)


  • Grounding, Detoxifying, Balance

  • Chakra
    o Root

  • Astrological Sign
    o Aries :aries:
    o Libra :libra:
    o Pisces :pisces:

  • Affirmation
    I welcome transformation & intuition into my life

  • Energies
    Bloodstone is composed of Green Chalcedony, & Hematite, creating red spots. This combination creates a powerful healing stone that grounds negative energy & cleanses the body. It enhances creativity & balance.

Flower/Herb :hibiscus:/:herb:

  • Columbine
    – Detoxify
    – Strength
    – Happiness


22 March 2022
Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot Deck
Designed by Aleister Crowley, Painted by Lady Frieda Harris

Key Words: :aquarius: Aquarius; Hope; Unexpected help; Clarity of vision; Spiritual insight.


Wasserman, J., Harris, F., Kaplan, S.R. (1983). Instructions For Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot Deck. New York, NY: U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Ziegler, G. (1998). Tarot Mirror of The Soul: Handbook for the Aleister Crowley Tarot. York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, Inc.


Good Afternoon Everyone. It’s another dull cloudy day :cloud:

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

image source Work Your Light Oracle Cards by Danielle Noel

Soul Family.

Call in your tribe. You don’t have to do it alone.

It is time to call in your soul family and support team. People who get you at a soul level. People who are the same kind of weird as you. People who are your chosen family. They are coming and they are looking for you.

If you haven’t found them yet this is a sign that they are close by. But in order for them to find you and recognize you when they do, it is important that you stop dimming your light and truly let yourself be seen.

If you have already found them, then you are being called to let them support you and perhaps also assemble a wider support team. Your support team can consist of all types of people, such as a therapist, coach, mentor, or healer. Tune in to what kind of support you need now.

Work Your Light Action.

Call in your support team now.
:dizzy: :pentagram: :sparkles: :hearts:


This is a beautiful card, and really called out to me. I have finally found my soul family… here, in my moonlight circles, and in my tantra groups… so many beautiful, shining souls that reflect each other’s light and love :relaxed: :star2:


I’m glad it resonated with you. Nice to hear it did talk to you. Beautiful.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Celtic Tree Oracle

(By: Sharlyn Hidalgo)

I shuffled the Celtic Tree Oracle deck 3 times & took the next 3 cards off the top & drew:

2. Luis Rowan Reversed

Luis Rowan initiates the second lunation of the year. It is during this portal that we celebrate the winter solstice, also known as Alban Arhtuan, Yule, & Midwinter. At this time, we celebrate the rebirth of the sun & honor the great mothers who gave birth to inspired sons. This represents the longest day of darkness; now the sun begins to return. Rowan advises us to seek protection from enchantment or control of others. We are also reminded about our ability to astral travel. We are encouraged to connect with ecstasy, universal unconditional love, & higher consciousness. The ogham for this tree is Luis or the letter L.

2. Luis Rowan Reversed if you are down in the dumps or feeling especially pessimistic, remember that you can change your mind & thus affect your emotional state. By changing a negative thought to a neutral or more positive one, you can change your feeling state. You have a choice – even though you might not believe you have any power in the matter.

Luis Rowan Reversed can also indicate that you are not taking enough time to connect with the source or spirit or creativity. Stop for a moment & consider what you need to do to fire up your inner flame & keep it burning bright. Are you ignoring your intuition when it waves a red flag letting you know that, regarding certain situations & people, something is not right?


Even though you posted this three days ago, @marsha, I read it exactly when I needed it! I love it when things line up so seamlessly in the Universe! Thank you for posting this!! :heart: :hugs:


Good Morning Everyone. Today is another :cloud: cloudy dull day.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

image source Work Your Light Oracle Cards by Danielle Noel


Where do you need to establish better boundaries?

You are being called to create clearer boundaries in your life. This could be with your friends, family, or work. Saying YES when you really mean NO leads to resentment, which is the biggest energy drain ever. At first, it might only be a little bit and not feel like a big deal, but before you know it, your energy field becomes porous and you are left feeling depleted, resentful, or taken advantage of.

Saying NO and having clear boundaries is actually a spiritual act. The most giving loving, compassionate people are those with the clearest boundaries. When they say YES, they are able to give unconditionally.

When your boundaries are clear, others know where they stand and you are able to give freely. If you are not clear where your boundaries lie, this causes confusion, resentment, and energetic cords to be planted.

If you are saying YES when you really mean NO, you are likely needing something yourself. Ask yourself, what part of me NEEDS something from them? It could be a need for approval, a fear of being seen a certain way, or a fear of loss.

The best way to gauge your boundaries is to check in with your belly. Your belly is the second brain. It has an intelligence known as your ‘gut feelings.’ Tune in to this space when deciding what is OK for you. How does it feel? What is it trying to communicate with you?

Work Your Light Inquiry.

Where in your life do you need to establish better boundaries?
:dizzy: :pentagram: :sparkles: :hearts:


23 March 2022
Fantasy Cats Oracle
by Paolo Barbieri

SPRING - The fresh yearning of the morning

When - Morning
Advice - Explore new ways, start new adventures, don’t be scared of new things

Morning energy invokes Spring’s magic. Work your desire as the world wakes up. All things are encouraged to grow. The energy of Spring supports new designs and intentions. All options are possible. Believe in the extraordinary.

Make room for what you cannot yet imagine.


The sun is out, the birds are chirping, and there are a few daffodils just starting to come up in the yard- I am really feeling this card today! :tulip: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you for sharing it, @marsha!


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Celtic Tree Oracle

(By: Sharlyn Hidalgo)

I shuffled the Celtic Tree Oracle deck 3 times & took the next 3 cards off the top & drew:

7. Duir Oak Reversed

The Duir Oak initiates in the seventh lunation & includes the celebration of Beltane. The sacred marriage is enacted, now, between the community representation of the Great Goddess & Cernunnos which ensures fertility for another season. This is the holiday of sexuality & sensuality & represents a threshold which the maiden aspect of the Goddess crosses into the Mother aspect. We celebrate fertility & the magic of the green earth that sustains us. This is a time of conception & the beginning of new life with the returning of the sun. This tree offers strength, stamina, & is a symbol for generation. The ogham for this tree is Duir & the letter D.

7. Duir Oak Reversed You may feel powerless or weakened when Duir Oak appears reversed. You may be called upon to depend upon others for your protection, now, because you feel weaker than usual & require more security. You may feel overly excited, manic, anxious, or nervous & ungrounded. You may be carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. This may indicate that you are in need of support & assistance. Is it time to get practical & schedule an appointment with your doctor, therapist, minister, or spiritual advisor?

Perhaps you are feeling stagnant, bored, or stuck. Are you saying, “no” too often? Are you stopping your growth because of too-comfortable habits & routines? Although these may make you feel safe, they can keep you stagnant, & you may feel discontent because of a lack of flow & positive activity in your life. It is time to get off the couch. Only so much security can come from things. Real security comes from presence. Leave the past & drop your worries about the future. Be in the now & feel the love.

Being present is something that I had to re-learn how to do due to things that have shaped me with coping mechanisms that aren’t serving me anymore & I needed to work through them. I am much better at it though now that I have some great strategies & have shared them with my husband. Plus I have a list taped above my light switch in my bedroom. Some of the coping strategies that I currently use to remain present have actually come from members of Infinite Roots :infinite_roots: I really appreciate everything that this forum/coven has taught me over the last year & a half? That seems close enough. It will be 2 years in July :joy:


24 March 2022
Oracle of the 7 Energies
by Colette Baron-Reid, Artwork by Jena DellaGottaglia


Key concepts: being grounded in nature; the quiet, dark place where all things begin, where essence is first ignited before manifestation; knowing you are part of the earth, and she is a part of you.

Earth Magic speaks to the intrinsic relationship that you and all living things have with the consciousness of the Earth (Gaia). You are part of nature, you follow the same cycle of manifestation as the acorn gathering life-force energy from the earth to grow into an oak tree.

Be still for a moment. Quiet your thoughts and imagine anchoring your energy to the sacred quality of being a part of this living earth. Connect to the Divine intelligence with the power to create the perfect form from the essence of a tiny spark of life. This is miraculous.

The message now is to trust that the seeds you’ve planted in your field of dreams are in good hands. The earth is a conscious, Divine source of love that is doing its parts on your behalf. Great magic is germinating underground, working its way to the surface to deliver more blessings than you could imagine. Let it.


Good afternoon everyone. The sun came out today. :sun:

Thursday, March 24, 2022

image source Work Your Light Oracle Cards by Danielle Noel

The Crumbling.

What are you clinging on to?

There is a shift happening right now, where anything inauthentic can no longer survive. Relationships, jobs, social structures, anything built on shaky ground is destined to tumble down. It’s happening to bring you back home to who you truly are (both individually and to society as a whole), so you can live a life that is in alignment with who you truly are. When you’re in the thick of it, it can feel like a personal attack from the Universe. Have faith because the difficult times will be your defining moments. You will be reborn in the fire.

You are being called to surrender. To stop trying to hold it all together. To loosen your grip. To let the crumbling occur. It may be difficult at first but, in the end, the sooner you let go, the sooner the rebirthing will occur. What are you trying to hold together? What are you doing your best to avoid? How are you trying to pretend everything is OK?

You have what it takes to allow what is falling away to tumble and fall. Once the tower has crumbled, you will be able to rebuild your home on solid ground with mighty foundations and a view that is so magnificent that it will take your breath away each new moon. Kali the goddess of destruction and the Black Madonna are with you now. Lay it all on their altar: They can hold it all.


What are you clinging to for fear of nothing coming to take its place?
:dizzy: :pentagram: :sparkles: :hearts:


@Siofra …. I like that Celtic Tree Oracle Deck .Since the pandemic we have spent a lot of time at parks and playa lakes trying to identify and learn trees and ducks. It’s been a lot of fun. I have yet to find a tree book I like. I think this just might be the answer.

We started by finding two like trees close together. We placed tiny quartz crystals at their bases. Then we would walk through and imagine we were walking through a portal / galactic gateway into another reality. At home I would look up as much info about the trees and write about the experience in my journal. This Oracle deck is the kind of info I searched for. Thank you for posting :hugs:


Oh you are very welcome @Amber.8 I post what comes from the book that comes with the deck & the way that I drew the card. I know @MeganB can read them intuitively due to knowing more about the Ogham & what the trees represent in her practice… I can’t do that yet… still learning & Ogham is on the list but not quite there yet. & I believe @marsha (I could be wrong) also has the deck.

The name of the Oracle deck is, “Celtic Tree Oracle” by: Sharlyn Hidalgo. I believe (could be wrong) it’s available on Amazon.

Once my daughter is at school, I will post my daily Oracle. I can post from this deck again & see what comes forth for the day! :heart:


So i drew a two of cups after asking my cards if im making the right choice in following the pull i feel towards some of the dark goddesses.

According to the booklet: two of cups : our bond has brought us to this moment, for now, let us drink together, walk through the veil of night into the realm of immortality.

Now ive just gotta figure out what it means.

edit: i belive ive figured out the meaning. it means im entering into a partnership or friendship with the dark goddesses ive felt pulled towards.


That card looks so cool! What deck is that from?


Anne stokes gothic tarot


I love it lol I may have to add it to my wishlist!


i honestly just felt called to this deck spent monthes looking for the right one