March 2022 Single Oracle/Tarot/Rune Draws

Those are always the best! That’s how I was with my Somnia tarot. I saw the photography on Instagram and knew I had to have it. It was definitely a lesson in patience because the pre-order timespan was more than 6 months :laughing: but it was well worth it!


Thank you. I found it on Amazon. It looks great. :grin:


I really like the deck too! I am on the search for one along those lines. It’s a gorgeous deck!


i just serched gothic tarot decks at the beggining of my serch


@Nikita-mikaelson thank you so much for sharing, I will have to use that word when I am looking around for decks. :hugs:

Friday, March 25, 2022

Celtic Tree Oracle

(By: Sharlyn Hidalgo)

I shuffled the Celtic Tree Oracle deck 3 times & took the next 3 cards off the top & drew:

9. Coll Hazel

Keywords Water: - The Moon, Bounty & Abundance, Intuition, Wisdom, Insight, Knowledge, Sage Advice, Divination, Poetry, Creative Pursuits, Higher Perspective, Clarity

The Coll Hazel initiates in the ninth lunation & includes the celebration of the summer solstice, also known as Alban Heruin, Midsummer, & Litha. Here we give our gratitude for the abundance of Mother Earth. Hazel is about compassion & love for our friends & families – as well as safety & protection, which are important aspects of mothering & nurturing. Hazel supports our emotional life. She honors the moon & the waters of our planet. She supports creative expression in the form of story, poetry, art, song, & dance. Hazel brings clarity when we seek advice. The ogham for this tree is Coll & the letters C & K.

9.Coll Hazel Upright Your feminine nature, the changing of the moon, the lunar principle of receptivity & mystery, and the Goddess Sophia of higher wisdom are all relevant, now. Your female lineages have something to say to you, as do your spiritual heritages. Take some quiet time to tune into & listen for their nurturing messages. Take your intuition seriously. Find time too sit by a body of water near your home: a lake, the ocean, a river, or a stream. This tree suggests appreciation. Appreciate cycles. What cycle are you in right now? This tree suggests acceptance of where you are right now as it is impossible to push the river.

It is a time to give gratitude for all that you have & to honor the earth. Notice the abundance around you. This is a time for family time & family reunions. This card invites you to find gratitude for all the mothers in your life. If you require nurturing, cultivate friendships that can support you. Nurture others. Mother each other with compassion, forgiveness. If you are a mother, make sure you are representing the best qualities of this role. If not, move towards changing your behavior. Be the kind of mother that you would like to have yourself.

Spend some time in nature & follow the course of the moon. Consider poetry, divination, & meditation. Call up your inner muse, as you can find inspiration here. Pay attention to your dreams & creative urges.

You are offered wisdom that can be applied to any situation. Creative solutions are possible. Seek the advice of elders. If you seek clarity this card will offer you sage advice. Go within & ask the ancestors for a specific message for you.


Good Morning Everyone, today is cool and cloudy.

Friday, March 25, 2022

image source Work Your Light Oracle Deck by Danielle Noel

Don’t Dim To Fit In.

How are you dimming your light in order to fit in?

Don’t dim your light to accommodate someone else’s smallness. We are all born to shine big and bright. The Universe is expanding and you are part of the Universe, so expanding is part of your nature.

If someone makes you want to retract, notice, and slowly back away; they are not for you and you are not for them. Better yet, find it within yourself to expand and shine your light anyway. Flowers don’t open and close according to who is walking by. They open and show their beauty regardless.

If others don’t want to be around you, or you make them uncomfortable, it’s because you are shining light on the fact that they are dimming to fit in. By choosing to shine bright, you may just inspire them to turn on their light too. Or not. Keep your light on anyway.

All relationships are essentially an energetic agreement. The moment one person decides to start rising up and allowing their light to shine, it changes the energetic agreement and can create some waves. That’s completely normal.

The relationship that are meant to last will adapt to the change in energy. Others won’t because they were likely born under the proviso of ‘I love you, as long as you don’t shine brighter than me.’ That’s OK, not all people are meant to be in your life forever. But the lessons they teach us can still live on.


How are you dimming your light in order to fit in?
:dizzy: :pentagram: :sparkles: :hearts:


25 March 2022
Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards
by Yasmin Boland, Artwork by Lori Menna

Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn

Something is standing between what you want and how you can get it. Now you know it’s there, you can do something about it. You have work to do.

Crystals: Pyrite, Gold Tiger’s Eye, Rose Quartz, Blue Kyanite, Green Jade, or Red Jasper.

Manifesting magic
Choose a crystal and hold it while you meditate, visualizing a shimmering pearlescent gold light swirling around you. Alternatively, keep your crystal close by as you work through your situation, or use five or six to make a crystal grid.

‘The only way out is through.’

When to manifest your magic
The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Capricorn, on a Saturday (Saturn’s Day)

The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn takes place when the Sun is in Aries and the Moon is in Capricorn. It knows that sometimes the old guy wins.’


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Celtic Tree Oracle

(By: Sharlyn Hidalgo & Illustrated By: Jimmy Manton)

I shuffled the Celtic Tree Oracle deck 3 times & took the next 3 cards off the top & drew:

3. Fearn Alder :deciduous_tree: Reversed

Keywords Guidance, Prophecy & Divination, Strength :muscle: in a dispute or battle, Spiritual Protection, Balance :balance_scale: between Masculine :male_sign: & Feminine :female_sign: Energies :yin_yang:

The Fearn Alder initiates in the third lunation & represents guidance & initiative. This tree also represents leadership, power, & strength. If you need backbone in a dispute this tree offers strength & resolve as well as protection. Alder holds both male :male_sign: & female :female_sign: powers & shows us how to balance :balance_scale: these aspects within us. Alder encourages us to seek the oracle to help us update our intentions & assert our plans. We set these renewed intentions for a new solar year. There is a quality of self-sacrifice for the good of the community, with this tree. The ogham for Alder is Fearn & the letters F, V, & GW.

3 Fearn Alder Reversed You may be too dependent upon either your masculine :male_sign: or feminine :female_sign: role or energy. Rowan :deciduous_tree: asks you to address any imbalances in this area. Remember, you are not confined to any role. You have full choice in how you create your life.

You may be denying access to spiritual messages & guidance. Perhaps you are ignoring the fact that you require help & healing. Check-in & see if you are being overly resistant. Help is available, but you must ask for it before your guides can come forward. They need your permission to assist you.

Similarly you may be unaware of your need for protection, especially within a situation that involves a dispute or controversy. All that is needed is for you to invite your spirit helpers’ protection & guidance & they will come forward for you.


March 26 2022

Qestion: hows my day gunna go?

Card: the chariot

From the booklet: ancient and wise, a powerful and authoritative beast, a conqueror of spirits. Its strengths of discipline, determination and assertiveness are self evident. Its fiery breath will vanquish all indecision.

No idea what it means any help would be great.


@Nikita-mikaelson Your question was how was your day going to go? & you drew the Chariot.

The Chariot Upright Meaning

The Chariot Tarot card points to a triumphal feeling of freedom as if the Charioteer is being paraded through the streets as a hero (or heroine). The card reflects congratulations for high achievement and serves as a sign of empowerment. Huge wheels and frisky steeds speed the rate at which the driver’s willpower can be realized. This kind of charge makes more of the world accessible to one ambitious enough to seize The Chariot’s reins. But there is danger in this feeling of freedom, because of the increased rate of change and its power to magnify mistakes in judgment. As a seasoned warrior, the Charioteer is called upon to be extra attentive to the way ahead.

The Chariot Advice Position

The Chariot advises that you be prepared for changes that might include a move or an opportunity to travel. The Charioteer travels light and stays open to fresh experiences that change with every valley or mountain pass. You may be asked to live out of a suitcase and consider every place your home for a while. Be receptive to new people who come into your life. Most especially, become more fluid and
taste the joys of freedom. The Charioteer is nothing if not self-sufficient. Be prepared and self-contained for the changes that will sweep in and carry you with them.

The Chariot Meanings

Tarot Poem 7. The Chariot - @Amethyst has written poems for each of the Major & Minor Arcana cards too.

:flower_playing_cards: Tarot Poems by The Gifted and Talented Kasie


well that makes some sence then actally. as im nearing the completion of an doll ive been making for a customer. im starting on her final faze today rooting her hair.


Oh, that’s awesome! I’m happy that it makes more sense to you now! The site I used when I found the different meanings will actually let you type in any card name & it will give a video about the card, upright, reversed, advice, & some other information. You don’t have to sign up for anything but it will try to get you to do a free reading & then if you do it to get the results you have to create an account. I just use it for meanings so I don’t have an account even if it is free. :joy: Cuts down on the email lists that I get put on & then have to unsubscribe from later.

As I said, Amethyst has put together a great set of poems for each card also in the forum.


i actally have a tarot guide book on meanings and symbolisum coming it just hasnt arrived yet.


No worries, any questions even with the book, feel free to ask! :smiling_face:


Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

image source Work Your Light Oracle Cards by Danielle Noel


Who or what is triggering you?

The filter of our own experience is how we experience life 90 percent of the time. Through our own projections. When someone reminds us of an unhealed experience, we get triggered. Often, it’s an unconscious thing.

People and situations can trigger our mirrors to reflect back to us what we believe to be true about life, the Universe, and ourselves. Mirrors pointing to our shadow and our light. Mirrors revealing the parts of us that are yet to be accepted, witnessed, or loved.

This card is guiding you to look closely at what experiences or people are currently triggering in you and what they could be mirroring back to you. When have you felt like this before? Could they be opportunities to heal something in you? Or are they shining a light on something that longs to be witnessed in you?

This goes for the good and the bad. The good: Those who are admire and put on a pedestal. If we do not realize that we are attracted to them because we are like them, we will need to cut them down in order to rise to their level. The bad: Those we despise, are envious of, and put down. If we do not realize that they trigger something in us then it is still yet to be healed, and we will remain hurt and wounded ourselves.


Who or what is triggering you?

What is it in you that they are triggering?

What part of you longs to be witnessed?
:dizzy: :pentagram: :sparkles: :hearts:


26 March 2022
Enter the Luminous Heart of the Sacred
by Alana Fairchild, Artwork by A. Andrew Gonzalez

26. Deer of Delta

Without any force, you can overcome even extreme negativities. Your real nature is gentle, which is powerful in its unique way. You do not need to become something you are not. You can confidently and effectively invoke spiritual protection from the light. You can never be dominated or bullied at a spiritual level, because the real you is always, empowered and protected in the light.


@marsha that is a beautiful deck White Light Oracle. I’ve seen it a few times when I’ve been on Amazon, I do like it.



I searched for the best price and found them for less than $12 at So, thinking I found a deal I ordered them. But to my surprise no guidebook was included, I wish I would have read the description. Duh! No wonder they were so cheap. :rofl:

I found a pdf of the guidebook online. The images and meanings are beautiful, and I’m happy with the deck. I just have to smile now, thinking about it. All is well that ends well.


Sunday: march, 27 , 2022

Question: whats the day hold for me?

deck: anne stokes gothic tarot

Card: the magician (reversed)

Her dark knowledge offers originality and self assertiveness. She is an ingenious individual, offering both life and death. However, beware her gentle caresses for she weaves an intricate and powerful web.

Reversed meaning: the magician card reversed suggests that you may be working against your own creativeity. Perhaps you feel your ideas are too scandalous or too precedent breaking. Perhaps you feel it should be someone else who communicates these insights or challenges. Perhaps you are uncomfortable in taking a leadership position. Even a temporary one.


27 March 2022
DRAGON Oracle Cards
by Diana Cooper, Art by Carla Lee Morrow

Source Dragon
Attunes you to the Infinite.

Be still. In the silence, magic can happen. Be in the moment.

A Source dragon has come to you now because it is time for you to enjoy a period of stillness with awareness. Breathe deeply and listen to the silence. Something very sacred is coming into your life. Be calm and focused and remember to breathe deeply.

Breath is the key to being in the moment and this is where the greatest magic happens.

Ask the Source dragon to accompany you on every step of your exciting new journey and always remember that the present moment creates your future.

In the center of all the dimensions, galaxies and universes is an infinite point of pure stillness and love. This is the heart of Source and from it flows the most incredible illumination.

Transparent white Source dragons exist purely to attend to the divine will and turn wishes into reality. They step down the light to a ninth-dimensional level so that we can access it - they act as portals of light through which we can connect with the energies of the Infinite.