Mardi Gras in New Orleans Always Seemed Magical

Definitely something special about Mardi gras and New Orleans… I lived there in my younger days for 3 months. Traveled form Florida To New Orleans and my car broke down and had to find a job to get it fix…Its definitely a magical city!


Happy Mardi Gras, everyone!!! :raised_hands: I hope everyone celebrating has a wonderful time- and wishing a successful ritual to @robin77, have fun! :partying_face: :two_hearts:

Thanks to @Missa for the info- it’s helpful to learn from :open_book: :blush:

Blessed be! :sparkles:


My friend said it was just a Louisiana thing at first and know that the tourist come it is not the Same. He said he partied for four days. He said Tuesday was Fat Tuesday! Anyway he said you can’t go to New Orleans and rent out a room. You have to go 30 miles out!
It brought back memories for him, he is a veteran and lived in Louisiana and New Orleans.I just learned about Mardi Gras, I help take care of his home.Thanks for all this historical information about the Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
Blessed Be


@robin77 Mardi Gra is so Pagan in it’s vibe and charactor! A lot of ancient Pagan societies, or even modern ones have similar festivals. Also the modern practice comes from the half of the Catholic religion which is Pagan. :slight_smile: