May 10 Daily Affirmation🌘

Message to self:

“The journey has taught me many

lessons that I value and respect.

My scars, my downfalls, my victories

and my highs are all equally important.

I am so eternally grateful for everything.”

~ Lukas Notes


Thank you, I woke up kind of in a funk… it’s hard to explain, but this is a good reminder for me.


Without darkness there can be no light to appreciate :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’ve been feeling kind of empty at times, since doing shadow work. It brought back memories I thought I dealt with. I wish there was a spell or ritual to get me back to normal. I prayed to my Goddess and cried. I’m fighting back tears in front of my kids. I don’t mean to put this all on you, I just need to vent. So thank you!! :pray:


Don’t be sorry for venting i don’t mind at all :heart: I feel you though, I’ve been in a strange place the last couple of days as well :heart: I feel like pressure has released and that feels great, but it’s left a bit of void I’m not really sure what to do with? I was going to do a self love bath ritual to help, so maybe that’s an idea? I’m also focusing on the New Moon and set an intent to fill myself with light after diving in the shadows :heart: and there is nothing wrong with needing to cry, you’ll feel better once it’s out. You can message me anytime you need to :heart: you are an amazing person :heart:


Thanks, love!! That means a lot to me more than you’ll know!!! I think I’ll take a self love bath, too!!! I feel you with that void!!! And I’ll be setting new intentions for the new Moon…to allow myself to have downtime and relax. For now, I’m going to drown my worries down the drain. Thanks a million :blush::heart::rose::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m glad I could help :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Enjoy your bath ritual, you deserve it :heartpulse: