My mom was trying to get me to write again. She said I wish you would start writing again But I hesitate to because my style is super dark. I told my mom that she’s like that ok. I used to write a lot and well. I burned
all my notebooks.
I love this. Very nice. Straight to the point to bring what we are looking for.
@Satans_Helper I would doubly suggest you to write then! Whatever your style might be, the paper doesn’t judge… if you do you might want to gently examine why. Writing the thoughts down can be a potent form of self work, exposing what’s going on inside of your mind. And it’s all okay, even the darkest stuff. I enjoy some things too that some people would call “completely f***ed up”
and we all do, more or less consciously. All part of being human and divine
I have to be in a certain mindset. Idk why my own pain and torture flows through the pen so much easier than rainbows and sunshine, but it does. The last I wrote like this was pretty sad and written out of torture. About my relationship. It’s been a bit better but there will be a lot of work for it to be anywhere near what I need. So many men are forced to not have feelings n emotions. I think this can create a narcissist or narcissistic tendencies. At the least he has the tendencies. I don’t think his parents were loving at all. But I’ve been encouraging him to meditate and learn how to show his emotions because I won’t be happy without that. He’s been a bit nicer and more patient. We shall see only time will tell. If I write anything I’ll share it with you.
I think you already answered yourself there: because it’s your very own. Because that’s where you are in life right now, and that speaks to you. The rainbows and sunshine are all there too, but this just isn’t their time and place.
I’ve felt this too, and it’s a huge problem worldwide. Expression is being denied, and it comes out with force, because that’s what feelings do, you can’t just put them in a box and forget about them. Vulnerability, sexual feelings, a lot of powerful stuff. And when they do come out because they must, there’s fear, shame and blame in response, which keep the repressive cycle going. So much healing and social change is needed here.
I’ve seen this so much, in pretty much all of my partners… it really does a number on self worth, or more like it never really gets to develop at all. So much uncertainty and need for validation and safety from the outside. But it can build a beautiful and vulnerable soul connection as well.
You’re lovely
Please keep in mind though that your own needs are important too, and that you can’t give from an empty cup
Thanks for writing back I enjoyed reading it. All so true. Except the top part. What I mean is Iits easier to write poetry for me when it’s painful. If I’m not upset it’s not as easy. I’m good I promise. I’m not in a bad place. I’m probably better than ever. I did a deep dig last night during meditation also. Pulling out what I hadnt forgiven myself for. Targeting each topic . Writing my regrets and why it made me feel that way. Then coming to the conclusions of whether what I had done was intentional. Which none were so then writing apologies and forgiveness for myself. It felt nice. I may do it a few more times just to make sure I don’t leave any feelings on them behind. I’m proud of myself for finally going through the hard stuff which I didn’t necessarily want to go through. But I’m doing it n it feels good
Ohhh that was a misunderstanding from my part then, sorry about that and thanks for clarifying! It could be a habitual thing, that you’re used to accessing your creativity that way. I’ve found that I need strong emotions to access mine, it doesn’t really matter what the emotions are. Profound sense of peace and connectedness counts too. But when there’s nothing happening, there’s really nothing to write about either.
I’m proud of you for going through the hard stuff too So satisfying to finally rise on top of it
This one reminded me of you @Satans_Helper, and @starborn too
I’m the same. My best poetry and art came out during my most depressed phases. I can’t find the same dark beauty outside of those phases. Although I sure try.
Perhaps I’m just biased in favour of my own pain. I’m the cliche tortured artist stereotype and I enjoy it.
That’s beautiful.
she will rejoice and cackle for she has found her archetypal path to liberation.
I don’t know why but that moment feels like a memory.
A dark feminine woman is forged by life through the fires of pain, loss and separation. Her path is to befriend the beast that is her rebel spirit and to understand that she is the only one who can save her from the darkness of her personal abyss.
And that feels like my recent years, too.
Cackling is so fun, and a very witchy activity
Glad it resonates
There is a lot of power in pain, that’s for sure
Imagine some people are just giving it away…
@CelestiaMoon it’s ok no big deal. I absolutely love the link you added so awesome n true. Thankyou for Sharing this with us.
@starborn here’s one of the last things I wrote.
It was months ago
That’s beautiful, @Satans_Helper. I’m sorry that you had to endure such treatment… But you express what you were going through in such an evocative way.
It reminds me of a digital drawing I drew. I hope I can recover it. It was of myself (TW: self-harm) cutting myself with my nails that must have been unnaturally sharp for it to work at all. But I drew it because my boyfriend at the time made me feel a similar feeling to what I get when I read what you wrote.
Thankyou honey . Oh my I must see it if you find it. I’m very intrigued. Also, I am sorry for what you went through as well
How about a… consolation prize, for now?
Oh, I have done that by accident Just cut your nails straight and don’t file them
How fun it’s sometimes to pretend we’re not powerful beyond measure
Whoa, you must have sharp nails. I never file mine, but I struggle even when trying.
I love my claws
I like it alot. It’s beautiful even though at 32 I still don’t know what some of those words mean. Geeze your so smart
I’m sorry for what you went through. Some of the most beautiful things are born from pain.
I love this
Awwwww Thankyou baby