Mercury Retrograde February 16 to March 3 in Pisces, March 4 to March 9 in Aquarius.
During this time communication issues can arise if we aren’t careful with our words. Take time to carefully explain your intentions to loved ones and co-workers during this phase. Mercury Retrograde can often throw off peoples emotions and heighten their emotional state, which can make communicating effectively very difficult.
Here is a little spell that may help! It’s intention is to help ease any tense or difficult communications.
What you need.
2 Blue Candle (you can substitute with white if you don’t have blue) - Blue represents spiritual well being, meditation, healing, rest, patience, kindness, inner calm, peace, sincerity, influencing fidelity and loyalty.
A fire proof plate to place candles on.
Names of all involved in the communication.
Have some anointing oil ready… mix 5 drops lavender essential oil and 1 tablespoon olive oil.
Salt or black salt (recipe here)
Lavender & chamomile dried herbs. You can substitute with rosemary if you don’t have the other herbs.
Communication sigil or use Mercury symbol - as shown below.
Mercury was the messenger of the gods. It comes in a light way and will order people to speak. This planet is concerned with communication, intelligence, and knowledge. Mercury will be responsible for people being rational and practical. The planet will control the way people think.
Begin by cleansing your space. Cast your circle and call on the elements or deities to aid you if that is your thing.
Sit in a place you can be calm and quiet.
Carve the names and birth dates (if available) into one of your candles. Carve the sigil into the other. It doesn’t have to look pretty, so don’t worry about it looking perfect. It’s the intent behind what you are doing, not your artwork.
Anoint both candles with your oil.
Place the candles on the plate.
Charge the salt to absorb the negative intentions (energy) from the conversation. Place it around the candles in a circle on the plate.
Add lavender and chamomile to the plate around the candles and ask for the calming energy to aid all parties.
Burn the candles. Meditate on the current situation.
Create the situation in your mind and paint it as the best case scenario. Imagine what the energy would feel like with everything falling nicely into place. See the people involved all clearly communicating, see them reacting calmly, being open and honest.
Meditate on this for as long as you need. Finish the spell by allowing the candles to burn completely out. The candles may be snuffed out if you cannot keep them burning. Or you can use birthday candles since they are small and don’t require as much ‘burn time’. But it’s harder to carve on those!
If you need to do this ritual for a few days, then do so. Each time you finish meditating on the clear communication close the spell however works best for you; either by burning the candles all the way down or snuffing the candles out.
Be sure to thank any elements or deities you called in to aid you during this time and be sure to release them and your circle.
I came up with this sigil for my spell. I was meditating and it came to me…so I went with it lol
Megan talks about sigils here if you want to learn more.
Blessed Be!