Merry Meet Monday - Magick News of the Week! Jun 13 - 19 šŸ“

We have a couple of farms in our town that have been passed through generationsā€¦ they are actually not that common anymore.

Its sad :pensive: there used to be stands in different places or other setups. I can remember when it was done on the honor system as far as payment or a donation. There was a locked box with a slot or a jar! Canā€™t do that anymore.

Since the pandemic the two larger ones have been donating the bulk fruits & veggies to our service centers & food pantries for the area where I live. They are accepting anyone now within this part of Cape Cod. (Its kind of broken up into 3 sections as far as some services can go)

Lots of changes, but this is a going to be a good summer season for the town. It started early & so has the summer :sun: weather! Iā€™m looking forward to working in my yard this weekend.


It all sounds so nice! Good luck working in your yard this weekend, donā€™t overheat!


Iā€™m hoping that I am able to, we had a lot of rain under the waxing moon into the full moon, and now my garden has some kind of something in it, that I thought I had pulled gotten out before we planted. So itā€™s a creeper of some kind, but makes it hard to tell which are seedlings :seedling: & which are the plants starting to come up :laughing:


Keep him. He is to be protected! :laughing:

But in seriousness, thatā€™s so great that you got strawberry ice cream from him :strawberry: Iā€™m sure it made the Texas heat not be so unbearable :hot_face:

Iā€™m glad their trip is going safely! :heart:


I hope it will be- we got our tickets last night! Weā€™ll be making our (very slow) way back to Europe on a transatlantic boat in August :passenger_ship:

I get your husband- Iā€™m already feeling my anxiety spike :sweat_smile: Luckily, the info says there will be a buffet, so at least Iā€™ll have that to hyper-fixate on :laughing: :plate_with_cutlery:

I was blaming my allergies too! We certainly have a lot in bloom at the moment, but it started yesterday and the exhaustion reached wild levels last night and this morning. So now Iā€™m pointing my finger at the full moon :joy::full_moon:

Definitely a good time for a recuperating ritual to keep us going- it sounds like youā€™ve got a lot on your plate at the moment too! Wishing you all the best with surviving work this week and beating that famous Texan heat- hang in there! :muscle: :heart:

Woohoo! I hope heā€™s having a blast on the trip :blush:


Eep. Sounds like thatā€™s going to be a pain in the butt to pull up . Good luck with that.


Thanks :laughing: I donā€™t think I will necessarily be tackling that one until set up the garden next year. Iā€™m pretty sure we need to weed as much as we can & then rototill the whole thing with new soil & fertilizer. :joy:


Good luck with it either way!


Nothing but old news here! To find out whatā€™s happening this week, visit Activities to find the current Merry Meet Monday news post :newspaper: