Merry Meet Monday - Magick News of the Week! May 30 - Jun 5 🕯

Hope you get to feeling better! :hugs:


So sorry you’re feeling low today. It’s wet and raining here today, waiting for the storms to become hurricane level and deciding which coast of Florida it wants to dance with. :cyclone:
I just saw that you live in B.C., Sweetie, light a nice fire, :fire: get some hot chocolate, :coffee: wrap up in a throw and just let yourself go. Cry if you need it, laugh, shout, But my beloved Debra, remember that you are loved and we share your woe.
Sending acceptance, endurance and strength to you. :people_hugging:
Best Blessings
I love you! :two_hearts:


Since you said that, seems like a good day to call my father. He likes to tell me when it’s in the 80’s & it’s winter here. So, now it’s my turn :rofl:

I have been there, thank you for checking in, but I agree with @Garnet… cry, scream, shout, punch a pillow, journal, write an email to no one about everything that is on your mind, go to a quiet place by water & throw rocks into the water. We are all here for you :revolving_hearts:


Oh my goodness, the unsent email is a great idea. It’s about getting rid of the excess emotions & or negativity. Sometimes negative emotions can draw us down into a pit of despair and it leads to a difficult climb out of that pit.
Shake it off my darlings, slough the negativity through meditation or physical activity.
Sending strength and energy


Nothing but old news here! To find out what’s happening this week, visit Activities to find the current Merry Meet Monday news post :newspaper: