Merry Meet Monday - News for the Week! Oct 18 šŸ¹

Youā€™re welcome, my dear!

Try adding some rosemary with the salt. I did that once and the results were delish! Have fun with your pumpkin!

:blush: Thank you, my dear! Youā€™re amazing too!

Good luck writing your own spell! The first one is always the most difficult, from there on out it gets easier!


Oh, I never thought of adding rosemary to pumpkin seeds. Sounds delicious!


It was! :jack_o_lantern:


I can tell youā€™re putting a lot of thought and dedication into the spell you are writing- good for you, @phoenix_dawn! You always so a great job and I know it will be a beautiful spell, good luck with the writing process! :heart:

@TheMuslimWitch- Cheers back to you, my friend! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Awwww thanks @Amethyst! And ohhh rosemary pumpkin seeds? Iā€™m drooling now :drooling_face: :jack_o_lantern:


@amethyst actually I found it to be fairly easy. The hardest part for me was deciding which crystals and stones to use but the writing part was a Breeze and as for the ritual aspect I just used a basic procedure for jar spells and did whatever step and action my deity was leading me to do. The funny part was I had 3 different candles to seal the jar with and as I lit my second and was about to light the third my second jumped off the top of my jar and landed on one of my artificial flowers and altar cloth (thankfully it extinguished itself during itā€™s leap) but I lit the -supposed to be- last candle, replaced the jumper and lit it again. Apparently my deity felt that I lit them in the wrong order :rofl:

@BryWisteria thank you. Iā€™m gonna give it a little time to cook but when it shows signs of success Iā€™ll be sure to share it with everyone. I say ā€œwhenā€ because I just have this deep rooted feeling that I nailed it once I got the candles (which btw all had very tall bright flames and burned clean with very little dripping but did dance in perfect synchronized motion a good bit.) lit correctly :woman_facepalming:t2::rofl:


:cocktail:Muslim Witch, :infinite_roots:
I just wanted to give a shot out to my girl cause you are a very special individual here at spells 8 / Infinite Roots :infinite_roots: not just to spells 8 but to me too! :hugs:
You have encouraged us with your words of wisdom. For that I just wanted to thank you from my heart! Its been fun getting to know you and I hope to get to know you better!
I have a really funnier feeling since we are in Pluto and Aries we are going to have something nudging on us to do a great spell for the Full Moon so get your ass in gear!lol

Tomorrow I am going to drink peppermint tea to cleanse me! I am going to take a really long shower since I cant take baths! And I am going to put all my crystals out tonight so tomorrow I will have them all ready to go! I am thinking about making a new wand made out of dear antler! Does anyone want to share what they are doing for the full Moon?

Breanna- I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart! :orange_heart:
Christina- Hey do you know how much 698 grams of crystal is? Is it a big crystal?

Praecog29- I hope your doing well and I am not going to forget this week to start Energy Exchange
Megan- I am going to do my best to make it to the Zoom Meeting and if I dont hey at least I have good intentions! But just know when I dont go I am the one missing out! You know this girl!
Iris I am going to probably do the Hunters spell too!
Siofra - Glad that you are having a Lazy Day that is awsome! And it is great that you can connect with your kiddos about crystals and jewelry! He seeā€™s that mom takes good care of her crystals and my son sees that too! My family is glad that I figured out what to do with theme finally. What I did was put them in a serving pillar! There are two pillars, I will show u someday if you like! I just got an offer to get a pink tourmaline crystal tower I liked n Ebay for 698grams is that a good deal? I dont know maybe I should ask Christina, Huh
Kassandra- I saw some really neat looking pumpkins at Trader Joes I dont know if you heard of Trader Joes?
Amethyst - Good Job on your writing too :hugs: Your such a poet! You give me so much inspiration
Pheonix Dawn- I was thinking about making a poem or invocation to my dear Hecate! At least if I try I will have something to be proud of!
Jessica- Hello from California Sacramento!
I hope you all have good night sleep and talk soon!


@Jeannie1 thank you! My family sees all of my crystals & they actually leave them alone. (For the most part, my altar seems to be fair game but nothing ever leaves the area, it just gets ā€œPicked up & put back downā€.) They are wonderful kids.

As for the tower, Iā€™m not really sure how to gauge them based on grams. I feel like that has more to do with its size & weight though. Iā€™m just not sure how to make the comparison to something tangible. :woman_shrugging: I would definitely see if @christina4 has a better idea about that for you.


Thank you @Jeannie1 I also am glad I am able to read your words of wisdom and am glad I can be here to see your journey here tooā€¦ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Youā€™re welcome, dear heart! And yep, rosemary with pumpkin seeds. If I can find the recipe Iā€™ll post it but it came from a book, not a website so it might take me a while.

Wow. Thatā€™s awesome @phoenix_dawn! It turned out to be a great spell I bet! Even with the jumping flames!

Thank you so much for saying so! Iā€™m glad you like my writings! I l like youā€™re writings too. One of these days weā€™re going to have to bundle up all these challenges we do and put out a coven spellbook to help fund the site or something. LOL. We have loads of talented spell workers here!



I think thatā€™s an amazing idea! We should pitch it to @Francisco and see how he feels about it? :woman_shrugging:t2: This year a spells8 app next year an infinite roots Grimoire?


I bet heā€™ll see this post and weā€™ll see what he feels about it! But Iā€™d buy one just to have all these lovely spells at my fingertips. Sort of like a yearbook, you know?


@Jeannie1 I think that is awesome. If you do make it please share pictures because I would lalalalove to see it! Ive never thought about making one from anything other than wood. I have 3 that Iā€™ve made from wood. I from yellow dock stalks, one from a crepe myrtle and then my main wand from muscadine vine. Strangely enough though I didnā€™t use any of them for my ritual last night instead I used the smaller one from my travel altar that I got from @crystal24. Iā€™m not sure why but I just felt led to get it out and use it. Possibly because the howlite tip on my muscadine wand came off and without itā€™s tip I just donā€™t feel like itā€™s in proper working condition :woman_shrugging:t2:


Same! Plus itā€™s something tangible we can associate with the other members. I can almost feel the magic that would radiate from it even now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Amethyst oh no it wasnā€™t the :fire: that jumped literally the whole lit candle jumped from the jar lid which I had already fixed with melted wax. The flames just kinda swayed back and forth together like synchronized swimmers lol


Huh, the whole candle jumped. Thatā€™s unusual. Glad you figured it out!


@Amethyst It was weird indeed especially since I had already poured some was on the top to make sure they were securely in place and let them dry that way. Then when I lit the jumper and moved to the last candle before the ā€œlastā€ one was lit the second jumped off and extinguished itself before it landed on the altar cloth so I got the one candle lit and refixed the jumper and it was smooth sailing from there. Literally the only explanation I can think of was that my deity was saying ā€œno maā€™am thatā€™s not the order they go inā€ even though I wrote it that way :woman_shrugging:t2:


The Muslim Witch,
That is awesome I am glad weā€™re here for each-other!
Siofra - I actually had nightmares of someone taking my crystals before so and I think it had to do with my son one time he threaten me he said Iā€™ll take all your crystals and smash them, but he never did! It was in his anger!
Phoenix Dawn- I am sorry your wand broke at least you have a back up!


I have heard of Trader Joeā€™s. Butā€¦ I donā€™t have one nearby! :sob:


Yessss!!! Imagine that!! :star_struck: :open_book: :infinite_roots:

I think the hardest part would be choosing what spells to includeā€¦ There are so many!! It could be called The infinite spells grimoire lol!


I love it! I have Imagined itā€¦ Or foresaw it maybe? :grin::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_in_lotus_position:t2: We could all just pick some of our most successful works and submit them. It could be a weekly challenge :wink::wink: @BryWisteria