I immediately thought of you @celineelise when I saw this day and thought… what could we find and do for this?
Welcome to all the new members!!
Thank you @tracys @celineelise @starborn @Satans_Helper @Mystique
Phew y’all will get a 2 month break from seeing my name!
Buuuuuuuuuusy morning already… oh it’s already afternoon. Worn out and will try to get to as much as I have energy for today but mostly will be resting. Today was my first solo dog-walking shift at the Animal Services facility. Things went great but man can they wear you out!!
I’ve got ideas brewing for things to do, like creating my own feather oracle deck and looking into maybe, perhaps adding tarot reading as part of my income stream - things are in the research and learn stage so feel free to share advice (either in my related tarot thread or via DM)