Mommy Witch Probs

Actively practicing takes focus and well…… privacy. I am a super busy working momma of two precious boys and wife to the most wonderful supportive husband. I love them more than life itself but this season of life does not lend itself well to having a lot of spare time or privacy to really focus and develop my practice. I know I am not alone in this and would greatly appreciate advice on how to snag a few more moments of solitude to focus on my intentions. TIA!


There’s a lot of advice in this thread on trying to get more witchy things into an incredibly time-limited day: Feeling a little slack in the witchy department lately

Maybe you’ll find some nuggets of gold there. :smile: :black_heart:


Maybe not an option for you, but I include my fam in rituals during “normal” hours. My truly private time comes early in the morning when everyone else is asleep or else in solitary walks in the forest.


Oh. The link is to Sacred Space. You’re new enough that you might not be able to get in, yet, @lyns Please forgive us for being so used to going back and forth that we don’t recognize the door anymore?

The basic idea is to add little thoughts to everyday activities like focusing on clearing away negativity while cleaning, adding protection to the cooking, decorating with the intent of adding Magick as well as beauty, focusing on your sensations as a grounding ritual while getting the family ready for the day. You could chant while adding cleaners to the mop water, call the elements while taking a shower, or focus on releasing what is no longer helping while using the restroom (the latter is a one I like to use). Plant care is grounding and connecting. I recite my creation myth several times throughout my day at any opportunity.

I hope this helps. Our beliefs are not intended to add stress to an already stressful life, but to take even the briefest of moments to find relief and self care.


Believe it or not, most of my sacred time is in my car. My chats with my deity, whilst driving to and from work. I read and learn the craft, in the car, whilst waiting to pickup my son from college. And my whole witchy library is mobile, on my phone (paper copy as backup). So yeah, we have a shampoo here that’s called wash n go, guess I’m a witch n go :rofl:. :sparkling_heart:


Honestly, it doesn’t get any easier, I think :joy: My child is almost 11, and I still feel like I hardly have time to myself. What helps is making it a point to spend a few minutes on myself in the morning while I make my coffee. If I can get up earlier than everyone else, that’s great, too.

I’m not sure how old your kids are, but maybe you can get them involved. This is also a great opportunity to teach children about boundaries! Just because we’re parents doesn’t mean we have to lose our sense of self or our boundaries. It’s important for kids to know that you’re a person, too. You need your space sometimes, you have thinks you like to do, and it isn’t always momma all the time, ya know?

I know that’s not too helpful or specific of advice, but I hope it helps, anyway :joy:

Oh! I also have a good video about creating daily practices that you might find helpful!


I’m a mom witch with 3 children, although 2 are now adults with significant others. However my youngest is 14 & especially this summer through, well, now… I feel like I have no time & when I think I might… also wrong. Things have been changing at the drop of a hat some days.

I have started excusing myself & going for a walk… which 9 times out of 10 is around my house :house_with_garden: or up to my mailbox :mailbox_with_mail: & back. Other times I have gone into my room or taken a shower :shower:

I’ve found that for certain times of the day or week, it works a bit better when we have defined boundaries or time blocks for things. Even things like:

  • If this is whats going on then this is what you do or something similar. Unless it’s an emergency of course or other dire need.

Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement and advise.


I’m a little late, but showers are the best time for me. I don’t know how old your boys, so you many not have time alone there even! I have a cleansing shower ritual. I light rose incense for self-love. As I shower I release the energies and emotions that do not serve my highest good. I imagine it going down the drain to mother earth for her to cleanse. I then say a prayer of gratitude to mother earth. Taking some deep breaths any chance you get can help center you. Others mentioned making the mundane magical. As i stir my coffee I say my intentions for the day. When I wash my hand, I’m also cleansing my energies…hope that helps some!


Thankyou @Sivonnah for sharing this. You have so many wonderful ideas. And this is one of many my beautiful friend you. As I rarely make time to bathe or feel like I have time to bathe. Mostly just showers and I let doubt get me. How silly does this sound ingredients going down drain so fast. But this reminds me I can light incense in the shower duh and visualize and do the same things as I would if I took a bath. I took a spiritual bath yesterday and it was so needed as I had caught a bug had a horrible headache yesterday feel a bit better no appetite really . Alcohol feels good I don’t do often


I say, “I release all energies and emotions that do not serve my highest good. They are washed away down the drain and returned to the earth to be cleansed.” I will say specific emotions if there’s something really bothering me. It’s nice because you can actually see the water going down the drain. And visualize that “yucky” stuff going down too. I also put on some relaxing instrumental music on. After I feel cleansed I say, now my energies and emotions ate balanced. I visualize every cell being bright and shiny and glowing from being being cleansed. I say a prayer of gratitude. Then I follow up with 2-3 mantras. I write them on a sticky note app on my phone so I can see them every time I pick up my phone.


Ill definitely try this thankyou for the tips lovely :rose: