Money, Wealth, and Prosperity Magick


Trinity of Wealth Spell Jar

You will need:

  • A glass jar with a lid
  • Piece of brown paper
  • Black pen
  • Green or white candle

I recommend using these ingredients for the jar, but it is possible to choose alternatives (see the original post up above for ideas):

  • Three quarters or its equivalent
  • Honey
  • Rosemary
  • Basil
  • Thyme
  • Three cinnamon sticks
  • Three bay leaves

Start by selecting a clear, glass jar that will be able to accommodate the entire recipe. Fill the jar with honey until it is half full. Honey has long been used as a symbol of sweetness and attraction, meaning your aim would be to draw wealth into your life symbolically.

:bulb: You can use honey or any other sweet syrup. But honey is likely going to be one stronger choice, as honey doesn’t spoil, while other substances like maple syrup and its alternatives can and sometimes will grow mould. So if you wish to keep your jar around or not have this happen to it, use honey.

Carefully gather all the ingredients you have chosen for this ritual, except for the candle, paper, and pen. These ingredients may vary according to your own needs or the needs of those who are taking part in the ritual. It can be related to the herbs, coins, or crystals of prosperity and wealth. Lay all these items in the bottle with the honey. The honey will act as a vehicle for your intentions and the energies of the items to be held together.

Take a clean piece of paper and a pen. Write your full name at the top of the paper. Below your name, write the exact amount of money you would want to manifest in this spell. Be specific with your intent so that it would help to make sure you direct the energies most effectively. Write down the amount and turn the paper so that the amount is written vertically.

Write the names of the entities you summon to come and help you in horizontal lines across. Write their names across the number, symbolising their power crossing with your intention of manifesting wealth.

:lucifer_sigil: For this, I personally call upon Mammon, Clauneck, and Valac. These daemons are often considered as being deeply tied to wealth and material abundance.

Take the paper, fold it neatly, and place it in the jar, sinking it inside the honey. Placing the paper inside the honey shows that one is placing an intention into the substance that will draw sweetness and attraction, signifying what you would want to manifest.

Securely fasten the jar with a lid. This symbolises the seal of your intention inside to gestate and grow, safe from disturbance in its work towards the manifestation of your desire.

Choose a candle that corresponds with your intent; many choose a green candle for wealth and prosperity; however, a white candle will suffice. Light the candle and focus on your intention of manifesting wealth.

As the candle burns, allow its wax to drip over the top of the jar. This act symbolises your intent being solidified and protected.

While the wax drips, recite the incantation. Speak with conviction and clarity, visualising your goals being achieved.

Bless me, sacrilegious trinity of wealth, lift me,
To lead my own life, to change my journey,
And take care that I be without a need for kinder days.
For powerful wealth, I ask those three born of the cross.
It is done.

Blow out the candle very carefully after the words of power. This is the completion of your active work and the beginning of trusting the process that what has been asked will come to you.

Finally, find a tree that feels right to you—a place where it will be undisturbed.
Bury the jar and the remains of the candle near its roots at either midnight or 3 AM. These times represent powerful moments for magic and intention-setting. The act of burying the jar symbolises planting a seed that will grow into the manifestation of your desire for wealth.

:bulb: Instead of burying the jar, you may wish to keep it somewhere safe at home with you. That’s also a valid choice, and this time, one I will take myself this time.

This ritual draws bits from setting intention, symbolism, and tradition as a very strong framework for manifesting wealth. Again, through your focus, intent, and belief in the process, you’ll hold the key to how effective this practice will be.