"Moon-Struck:" Anyone Else Feel a Deep Pull Towards the Moon?

I’ve been feeling this intense spiritual bond with the moon lately (as it is waxing towards the Full Flower Moon of May) and wanted to see if any of you felt the same. It’s like a connection to my inner “lunatic”, which I now learned literally means “moon-struck”.

Talking to the Moon

“The word lunatic derives from the Latin word lunaticus, which originally meant “moon-struck.” In ancient times, humans supernatural attribution to the effects of the moon, including marking it responsible for insanity, according to the Oxford English Dictionary.” Source

Ever since I was a kid, the moon had a pull on me. On clear nights, I would sit by the window, watching its glow. As I got older and learned about moon magick, my connection to the moon grew stronger.

Talking to the Moon on my notebook

Now, I get really focused on the moon sometimes. There are moments when I feel like the moon is talking to me.

“Across Europe, folklore warned against sleeping in the rays of a full moon lest one become “moonstruck.” To avoid such a calamity, it was advised to keep curtains tightly closed to shut out the moonlight.” - Source

Whenever I talk to the moon, it’s like I’m tapping into ancient lunar wisdom. During the full moon, I feel its energy coursing through my veins and calling out. Ancient Greeks believed Goddess Selene (who ruled over the moon’s cycles) chose particular souls and blessed them with divine intuition, granting them special lunar powers.

Selene and her spiritual connection to the moon
Selene - Painting by Moritz von Schwind (1831)

Maybe I get a little too into the moon. But I discovered that, like the sailors of old, the moon has been my celestial guide through storms and turbulent waters.

“Many sailing superstitions revolve around the moon. Sailors took great precautions to avoid being “moonstruck,” which was believed to lead to erratic behavior, poor decision-making and general bad luck while at sea during a full moon.” - Source

Those old sailors paid close attention to the moon’s cycles and phases. To them, the moon wasn’t just for navigation - it was a powerful force that could bring good fortune or bad luck, depending on its mood.

Doesn’t everyone feel some kind of spiritual connection to the moon, even for a second? We’re all at the mercy of something bigger and more profound than what we know on Earth.

Incredible footage of a moonrise through a telephoto lens.

The moon keeps that sacred, unexplainable connection to the heavens alive in all of us linked to its power. We just have to look up and feel that eternal bond to the night sky.

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Bring on the moon magic! :sparkles::full_moon::point_down:


I love the moon and the night sky. Whenever I meditate, my sky is always night, even if I try to make it day, it turns to night with the moon and stars. :green_heart:


As a little un, even before I knew there was something called Paganism, I talked to the Moon at night, would tell her my troubles and feel good when I saw her during the day. It was like she was watching over me. I love this post!


I have always loved the moon as far back as I can remember. I’ve laid out under the moon instead of the sun since I was young. The moon has always been my sounding board for everything going on in my life. My kids have always been that way too, even as adults. The feeling of “moon struck” is a feeling I have always had. :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


If you ever saw the old TV show Bear in the Big Blue House (as I did when I was a kid) you’ll remember that every episode ended with a conversation between Bear and Luna, the personification of the moon.

That stuck with me, and all these years later I still talk to the moon - I’ve always found its presence comforting, and its light relaxing. Whatever else is going on in my life, the moon calms me down like nothing else.


I’ve noticed it more recently lately than I have in a while. The last several nights, any time I go outside I find myself looking up to the sky for the moon. It’s been shrouded in clouds, but the soft, ethereal glow of moonlight shines through and I always know where she is :heart:


Every night if there’s a clear sky and I see the Moon, I’m filled with awe and joy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I always tell her that she’s beautiful and that I love her, if not aloud then in my heart. :silver_heart:

I guess it can be a distraction, and if you’re a sailor you can’t afford too many of those :sweat_smile: Especially if your crew is all salty sea dogs who would never admit to such a thing, but secretly all do it anyway :joy:


I have always loved the moon and I credit that in part to my parents who would take me and my sister out on nights to watch shooting stars, Haley’s comet, use binoculars to look at the moon, learn the constellations and watch the aurora borealis when we lived in Minnesota. It’s always been a big part of my life, from the scientific standpoint (astronomy).

It wasn’t until I discovered Wicca in my early twenties that I began to develop a spiritual connection with the moon. The first time I heard Artemis’ voice was when I was walking in the New Mexican desert one spring morning among the wildflowers with the moon high in the sky.

Perhaps it’s no surprise that the deities I work with are associated with the moon - Artemis, Hekate, and Selene.

I’ve spent many nights watching the clouds go past an ethereal full moon or felt awe at seeing a partial moon still visible during the day.

As to whether I talk to the moon. Sometimes. Mostly I talk to the goddesses while looking at the moon.


I was admiring it yesterday


My mother called me Moon Child all through my growing years. I’ve always felt a special connection. I speak to her all the time, especially at full moons.

I believe she protects me, my family, my house etc. Any spell I cast is stronger if I do it in the moonlight. She has always been a friend and protector.

She’s always been there, always part of my life, even my mother saw it when I was little.


That’s so beautiful… she knew! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :crescent_moon:


I’m a lunatic too! I am always looking at the moon, talking to the moon (I call her Luna), dragging my kiddos out to look at the moon… I’ve been that way my whole life.


I love the moon too. I remember as a young girl watching the moon follow us as my parents drove us home. I always felt even until this day the moon was my protector. I always seeing it when I’m driving at night letting me know I’m safe in my travels. I love to talk to the moon. I’m sure my new neighbors think I’m special… lol