Morning Rituals

As I’m trying to live without my best friend (Yorkie named Annabelle “Annie”) all while having executive dysfunction from severe PTSD… I’ve been trying to set up a morning routine.

One thing I always tried to do was ▶️ Easy Circle of Protection Spell – Spells8 before leaving the house each day. I’m adding that to my routine.

What are some of your rituals? (Maybe I’ll have to adopt some of them.

I’m using the Me+ app to help me. I purchased it when there was a deal to pay for a year with one month’s subscription amount.

I’d love to hear your wisdom!


I have a couple morning rituals.

After I’ve settled with my first cup of coffee, I do my daily tarot and oracle draws. After I’ve done that I check in on the coven.

After my first cup of coffee I hop in the shower. I do a cleansing ritual everyday in the shower. First I ground myself to get connected with the earth. Then as the water runs over me I say “out with the negative energy, in with the positive “. I say this three times. Then end with “so mote it be”. I stand there with the water running over me until I feel the lift of the negative energy. Sometimes it’s instant and some times takes a minute or two. Once I feel the negative is gone I thank the universe and say “ Blessed Be”. I then do my normal shower.


Hello lovely. Sorry about your struggles, keeping things simple may help. :sparkling_heart: My mornings are sooo simple. Here’s what I do.


@Lilac I am sorry to hear about your loss and the PTSD.

I am not good at routines so I would say, if you are not already, be gentle with yourself.

Having said that, there are things I pick up and put down as necessary.

Having a notepad of meaningful quotes

When I was working through my agoraphobia I kept a small notepad with quotes that helped me work through things. I carried it with me when I was working on getting out of the house and for a few years after. I still have that note pad.

Carrying stones
I had stones that helped me feel grounded

Memorized a prayer of protection and/or grounding
I used to say whichever one was warranted whenever I needed it.

Sometimes all I could manage was to remember to breathe. Breathwork can be quite magical especially breathing in light breathing out what needs to be released.
You can also breath in and out while focusing on energy coming in and out of your chakras- the ones you feel moved to do.

I would like to say I remember to enchant my tea when I make it but at least I remember to thank the goddess and be mindful of the warmth of the tea when I drink it.

I put on my essential oil diffuser every day with a blend designed to facilitate an energy I am trying to shift or encourage.

Daily pulls
I pull either an Oracle card or Tarot card or both each day. For the tarot I ask what energy I should bring to the day so I have a focus to fall back on if something stressful comes up. The tarot card will give me actions/reframing thoughts I can bring to the day.

I don’t do all of these everyday. I can’t. I do at least one of them. On busy days, it is three deep breaths or a quick thanks to the Universe or a specific deity.

Hope this helps.


I have to remember to do the shower ritual! Another good one as I am already in the shower.


When I wash up I say “with this cleanser I use today, I banish all negativity that comes my way.”

I make my coffee and stir saying “coffee strong and true, bless me with this brew, bring me peace this day anew.” You can replace peace with whatever your intention is for the day. As I drink my coffee I’ll say a prayer.

Then I meditate for about 5 minutes. If I’m feeling ambitious I’ll pull a tarot card.

Just start with 2-3 simple things then build on that. You could pray 9r do some deep breathing on your way to work.


Let’s see. I light a candle and some incense and do a morning prayer. Then I do a little reading in a magic book whichever one I pick from, about a chapter a day. Then I do a guided meditation and then an ending prayer and go on with my day.

Hope that helps you out!


I like this! I am going to borrow that.


@Lilac I’m so sorry for your loss I understand the pain my dog spirit had cancer and she ended up sepsis so I had to put her to sleep she went over the rainbow bridge. I know it hurts but it does get easier in time I cried a lot too but I know spirit is always with me just like your Annie is with you. :paw_prints::hibiscus:


Beautiful photo @crystal59 :sparkling_heart:


@Sivonnah I will also be borrowing this


@ Lilac in the morning I light an incense stick and light a candle, I read the Orphic Hymn of Saturn Goddess Hekate and then I pull a leaf from my Archangelic Tarot while drinking my coffee :pentagram: :hekate_wheel: :pentagram:


Ooo! I love that!

Any suggestions in choosing a deity?

Right now I have been talking to Fliadas in hopes she’s watching out for Annie.


This helps a lot!!! I’ll adopt this!


@Lilac I’m glad you like it lovely :sparkling_heart: I follow Loki, Norse God of Chaos, he picked me. If you’re interested in Norse gods they’re here:
Norse Deities Master Post
This too may help

But you can just see what sort of signs are around you, keep it simple, how do you feel about your craft and do those feelings fit with a particular set of gods. I tend to just keep myself open to be approached by any deity, they’re all beautiful. :green_heart: Sometimes our personality and life experiences match those of a particular deity, and this may indicate the two of you would be a good fit. My experience with Loki was a bit like this,
Fulltrui or not to Fulltrui

No rush, you can still do a morning cuppa with the Nature Spirits if you don’t connect yet with one deity. :drinking_horn:


Oh this made me cry!!! Such a beautiful baby! I’m so sorry!


Great idea!


Thank you!!!


I say this every time I wash or sanitize my hands.


Thank you @tracyS :people_hugging: :hibiscus: