I have made up an information post for the Norse deities! As more information within the forum & on the site is available, I will continue to add it here
Some links are off site… & include information on Gods/Goddesses not listed on Spells8 or within the forum
Please be aware that any topics included within this post that are posted in A Sacred Space can only be viewed & interacted with by members logged into their active accounts.
Norse Deities Information
- Norse Deities
- Runes Information
- Runes Casting Course: Spells8
- Yule Celebrations - Nordic traditions
- Oldest Rune found!
- Snakes?
Yes please! - Claws, Paws, Tails, and Scales
- Worship with Odin and Loki
- Poetic Edda - external site
- Aesir - external site
- Vanir - external site
- Norse Mythology: Gods & Creatures - external site
- The Nine Noble Virtues
- Norse Deities Summaries - external site
- Experiences with the Norse Deities
- Odin: Gods Course: Spells8
- Odin & Frigga Incense
- Pagan Origins of Christmas Traditions
- The Legend of St. Nicholas or Santa Claus
- Worship with Odin and Loki
- Loki - Norse God of Mischief
- Loki to invite in or no?
- Worship with Odin and Loki
- Loki’s Most Mischievous Tricks in Norse Mythology - external site
- Loki’s Tales
- What it is to follow Loki
- Connection with Loki
Other Information
- Nordic paganism and elves
- Norse Proverbs Havamal
- Suggested books or authors?
- I found my ancestral pantheon…what now…
- Norse Beliefs on Death & Reincarnation
- Fulltrui or not to Fulltrui
- Yule Celebrations - Nordic traditions
- Nordic Mysticism and Wyrd
- Nordic Animism
- Norse Magic and Beliefs
- Arith Harger - Archaeologist and Independent Researcher
- Jacob Toddson - The Wisdom of Odin
- Menshikova School - Magic, Runes, Elements, Tarot