This morning I was looking for the recipe for an oil which I had started writing down at some point but never finished with and I came across This site (which was not in fact the site where I needed to look for what I was searching for) but was delighted to find an incense connected to Frigga. At least in part and completely by chance at that. They have a few for Aphrodite and Isis too should anyone work with them.
Great find! Thank you for sharing!
I have never made incense before, but I do have a few oils that I have done. I work with Brigid & have a couple of recipes for anointing oil for her & Imbolc.
I’m very happy for you & I hope that this helps someone else that works with them too!
Thank you very much for sharing! @phoenix_dawn That link is very informative as I personally love incense.
@phoenix_dawn I looked, I have incense recipes too for the oils! I use incense during spells & Rituals.
@Francisco I do love it, I’ve just never made my own. I have paid a little on hand rolled ones & I love them so much more than the more commercial incense.
I’m definitely looking into the Isis one!! She’s my laday! thanks doll!!
What a beautiful incense recipe, @phoenix_dawn! Thanks so much for sharing- wishing you happy and blessed incense making