A Simple Good Morning with the Gods

Today’s pace of life is so fast, alarm goes off, up, washed, dressed, grab a coffee, oh forgot, quick light that candle, yep, done, out the door and to work we go. No time for that 20 minute meditation or big chat with the gods. How can we slow that down? :green_heart:

Here’s something I do each morning, and it takes an extra 10 minutes, that’s all.

All you need, is your morning drink and matches.

Whilst you’re brewing that morning drink, go and light a candle on your altar and just say good morning to your lovely deity.
Once your morning brew is ready, go outside, don’t worry about the weather, go outside and drink that cuppa, chat freely to your deity, what night did you have, how do you feel in that moment, anything that comes to mind, and if nothing needs to be said, then sit or stand, together in silence. If you don’t have an outside area, you’re in a block of flats, then open that window, and drink your cuppa by the open window letting nature flow into your morning.

That’s it. :green_heart:

If you have an outside space you can create a simple outdoor altar to your deity, if you are indoors, you can do the same, by your window with a houseplant.

Enjoy :green_heart: :drinking_horn:


Beautiful ideas!! I have talked to the universe (as I don’t have a particular deity I work with) in my car n the way to where I have to be. I open the car window and let the breeze flow through and talk about the night I had and the upcoming day.


That’s a lovely idea Tracy, I’m going to do that tomorrow (in the rain)! Today, I went out before the sun was up. I repotted some root bound plants and cleaned out the flower beds. I also harvested my first batch of Mug wort for the year. It’s only 9:00 am, but I have had such a beautiful morning. :coffee: :sun: :potted_plant:


@Mystique That’s fabulous, I love driving with the window open, feels so free :grin:
@Ostara The rain is really refreshing first thing, enjoy. And great news on your first batch of homegrown mugwort. :partying_face:


I love this idea. Thank you Lovely @tracyS


@celineelise My pleasure lovely :green_heart: